- invention patent grant 发明专利授权
- Edison defended the invention patent of his electric lamp, win answered honor. 爱迪生维护了他电灯的发明专利权,并赢回了荣誉。”
- Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. 违者必究保留所有权利包括专利权实用新型或外观设计专有权。
- NO.3011GR Green Textured Latex Exam Gloves With Aloe have been granted US invention patent,pantent nos:6,274,154. 3011GR绿色芦荟麻面乳胶检查手套已获得美国发明专利,专利申请号分别为:6;274;154.
- In February 2006, "elephantiasis scattered on March 7," won a national invention patent. 2006年2月,“象皮三七散”荣获了国家发明专利。
- The technique of supermicro active Calcium has obtained the invention patent ZL93119767.8. 超微活性钙生产技术已获发明专利ZL93119767.;8。
- Under this standard, an invention must be new to the world, not just to China, precluding patent grants to a Chinese filer for an invention already disclosed elsewhere. 根据这一标准,一项发明之前必须是全世界都没有的,而不是仅仅是中国没有。这就排除了将一项已在其他国家公布的发明专利授予中国申请人的情况。
- C.B.Lin, ”Guidably-Recirculated Heat Dissipating Means For CPU” U.S.A. Invention patent pending:09/773327(2000). 林清彬”具有高深宽比之微小结构之制造方法”中华民国发明专利公告号码:448084(2001).
- We have already acquired several nation invention patent and apply new patent of BGA test sockets &adapters. 公司研发的BGA 测试座、适配器已获得多项国家发明专利和适用新型专利。
- In 1997, our company successfully developed chemical method chlorine dioxide disinfector generator series products, and won the state invention patent. 1997年,我公司成功开发了化学法二氧化氯消毒剂发生器系列产品,并取得了国家发明专利。
- The invention patent for counter-circulating evaporator of Chengda Chemical Engineering Corporation is already authorized and commercialized. 中国成达化学工程公司反循环蒸发器发明专利已授权,并已工业化。
- In order to solve above problems inside bathroom, a real multiple-function washstand is built and modified after an invention patent. 为解决以上的问题,一部多功能洗脸台由发明专利改善其设计制造出来。
- As of the end of May 2007, SIPO had received 640,000 applications filed by foreign nationals, 86% of which were for tech-rich invention patent. 截至2007年5月底,中国国家知识产权局共累计受理国外专利申请64万多件,其中86%25为具有较高技术水平的发明专利申请。
- FSRA brings forward digital water mark log which ensures authoritativeness, originality and accountability of log. Digital water mark log has declare invention patent. FSRA系统采用数字水印日志(已申报发明专利):确保日志记录的完整性、原始性和不可抵赖性。
- Mattias Lampe, Ronghong Jin, Junping Geng, Min Ding: invention patent “One Kind of Directional/ Omni-directional Antenna with RF Switching Control Circuit”, (submitted). 金荣洪,耿军平,周旭竹:实用新型专利“可实现极化兼容的小型全向天线”(已提交)。
- The principal specification is regulated for the provisional protection of the invention patent in the patent law in our country, which is not easily maneuverable. 我国专利法对发明专利权临时保护问题只作了原则性的规定,可操作性不强。
- It has gained the entitlement of national invention patent and the brand registration, ensuring the exclusive rights and interests of the investors in certain field. 获得国家发明专利授权及商标注册,可确保投资者在约定范围内的独占权益。
- Patent grants the inventor of a new product or process exclusive rights for a defined period to the manufacture, use , or sale of that invention. 专利是准许一个新产品或新设计程序的发明者在特定的期限内制造、使用或出售该发明的专有权。
- "Grant" including the number of state patents granted on basis of PCT application. 注:“授权量”包括PCT申请进入国家阶段后被授权的数量。