- The policy of encouraging consumption was implemented to ensure a combined effect on economic growth from both investment and consumption demand. 实施鼓励消费的政策,努力形成投资需求和消费需求对经济增长的双拉动。
- A moderate increase in both investment and consumption will play an active role in stimulating the market. 适度地增加投资和提高消费水平对启动市场将起积极作用。
- At this stage, to restore interest in investment and consumption requires the restoration of confidence in property ownership. 现阶段要恢复市民对投资和消费的信心,首先需要恢复市民的置业信心。
- We must adjust the relationship between investment and consumption to raise the proportion of consumption in GDP gradually. 调整投资和消费关系,逐步提高消费在国内生产总值中的比重。
- Rather than stressing homeownership and consumption, we should focus on investment and innovation, which have a bigger long-term payoff. 比起用在生活和消费上,我们更应该把重点放在有更大长期回报的投资和创新上。
- A speedy restructuring of the financial sector can accelerate the recovery of credit and capital markets and thus support investment and consumption. 金融部门的快速重建将加速信用市场和资本市场的恢复,从而刺激投资和消费。
- Of company profit glided to restrain investment and consumption again conversely, this makes whole market is immersed in a kind of vicious circle in. 企业利润的下滑反过来又抑制了投资和消费,这使得整个市场陷入一种恶性循环之中。
- While expanding demand for investment,we will take effective measures to guide and expand consumer demand so that both investment and consumption stimulate economic growth. 在扩大投资需求的同时,要采取有力措施扩大消费需求,形成投资和消费对经济增长的双重拉动。
- Credit adjustment theory of Keynesian economics regards that broaden credit including consumer credit can increase investment and consumption and thus enlarge domestic demand. 凯恩斯学派的信用调节论则说明,放宽信用(包括消费信贷),将可以增加投资和消费,从而扩大国内需求;
- While expanding demand for investment, we will take effective measures to guide and expand consumer demand so that both investment and consumption stimulate economic growth. 在扩大投资需求的同时,要采取有力措施扩大消费需求,形成投资和消费对经济增长的双重拉动。
- The main macro-interest policy intent is to promote incentives, investment and consumption, hoping to alleviate the deflationary trend, mainly to stimulate investment. 降息政策的主要宏观意图是推进刺激、投资与消费,希望能够缓解通货紧缩的趋势,主要是刺激投资。
- Uncoordinated development means that there is lack of proper balance between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors and between investment and consumption. 所谓不平衡,就是城乡之间、地区之间、经济与社会发展之间不平衡。
- Andy Rothman, of CLSA in Shanghai, said the fall in net exports “will be balanced by the continued health of the primary economic drivers, domestic investment and consumption”. 2004年到2007年期间,中国的贸易顺差增长了8倍,但目前尽管处于高位,但已经见顶。原因是美国和欧洲等主要市场的需求日趋疲软,及中国的成本不断上升。
- It is understood that the current real estate investment and consumption growth have exceeded 30%, it can be said that a new round of economic growth has led to the tide tidehead. 据了解,时下房地产投资和消费的增长均已超过了30%25,可以说已引领了新一轮经济增长大潮的潮头。
- For both investment and consumption, whether or stability of the development, Agriculture and the impact on the overall situation would be unprecedented. 无论是投资还是消费、无论是稳定还是发展,与农业问题对全局的影响力将是前所未有的。
- The direct cause of surplus production is the maladjustment of the relationship between investment and consumption and the profound cause is that macro control lacks systematic rational consideration. 产能过剩的直接成因是投资和消费的关系失调,深层次成因则是宏观调控缺乏系统的理性思考。
- Exports, investment and consumption are the troika of China's rapid developed economy, exports becomes powerless that seriously dampens business investment because of the global economic recession. 日本和韩国虽受金融风暴的影响而损失巨大,但与欧美金融体系几近崩溃的局面不同,尚能维持金融体系乃至经济体系的基本运转。
- Macro-regulation needs to focus on the correct treatment of increasing tendency of investment and consumption, promotion of the potential capability to grow and solid improvement of the eco... 即从主要注意经济的过冷和过热,转变到正确地对待和调控投资和消费上升趋势,以相对宽松的宏观政策为培养和提高中国的潜在增长能力创造条件,以及促进、协调和保持经济增长方式稳步转型上来。
- proportion of investment and consumption 投资-消费比例
- Investment and Consumption Out-of-balance 投资消费失衡