- To compete successfully in global markets we must seek to create a favourable environment to attract inward investment. 为了在全球市场的竞争中获得成功,我们必须努力创造良好的环境吸引对内投资。
- The HKSAR also practises an open and liberal investment policy and actively encourages inward investment. 香港特区亦采取开放和自由的投资政策,并积极鼓励外来投资。
- It also promotes inward investment but neither protects nor subsidises specific industries. 政府又促进外来投资,但并不特别照顾或资助特定工业。
- Invest Hong Kong is a new government department established on July 1,2000 to spearhead Hong Kong's efforts to attract inward investment. 投资推广署是政府在2000年7月1日成立的新部门,负责推动香港各界合力促进外来投资。
- Invest Hong Kong is a new government department established on July 1, 2000 to spearhead Hong Kong's efforts to attract inward investment. 投资推广署是政府在二零零零年七月一日成立的新部门,负责推动香港各界合力促进外来投资。
- Crucially, Britain is also the second largest recipient of inward investment in the world. 更重要的是,英国还是世界上第二大的吸引海外投资的国家。
- Over the years, the Mainland has accumulated a substantial amount of funds in Hong Kong dollars from trading activities and inward investment. 多年来,内地从贸易活动和引进外商投资过程中累积了相当数额的港元资金。
- They continued to support the city in its campaigns to attract inward investment. 他们在继续支持这座城市的各项活动,来吸引对内投资。
- Over the years,the Mainland has accumulated a substantial amount of funds in Hong Kong dollars from trading activities and inward investment. 多年来,内地从贸易活动和引进外商投资过程中累积了相当数额的港元资金。
- To create the right conditions for inward investment,to raise the standard through economic reform,the UK supports the development of forums for effective dialogue. 为了营造良好的内部投资环境,通过经济体制改革提高标准,英国在最大程度地支持那些旨在帮助私有部门和各个发展中国家政策积极对话的论坛工作。
- To create the right conditions for inward investment, to raise the standard through economic reform, the UK supports the development of forums for effective dialogue. 为了营造良好的内部投资环境,通过经济体制改革提高标准,英国在最大程度地支持那些旨在帮助私有部门和各个发展中国家政策积极对话的论坛工作。
- There are good signs of a new set of technology-based UK businesses and of inward investment by foreign firms attracted, at least in part, by the quality of UK science. 至少部分原因是由于英国科学的素质吸引了外国企业到英国投资和创立了一批英国的技术型公司,这是一个很好的迹象。
- Bob Manning, Head of Inward Investment, China, said: "Increased global competition has made Asian companies rethink their strategies as they launch into overseas markets. 英国贸易投资总署对英国投资中国区主管万博文先生说:“全球竞争的加剧使亚洲企业开始重新思考他们进入海外市场战略。
- Manufacturing represented almost a third of the inward investment and 40 per cent of the jobs, showing the UK's success in advanced hi-tech activities, said the report. 英国政府的这份报告说,制造业代表了流入国内投资的几乎三份之一和就业的40%25,显示出英国在高科技活动方面的成功。
- It also helps Hong Kong attract inward investment, thus further reinforcing the status of Hong Kong as a major business and service centre in the Asia-Pacific region. 这同时有助我们吸引投资,进一步加强香港作为亚太地区主要商贸及服务中心的地位。
- Working together we can strive to overcome barriers to inward investment without undermining the rights of workers or squandering precious environmental resources. 齐心协力,我们便能攻克对内投资的壁垒而不至于损害工人的权利或浪费宝贵的环境资源。
- The Commerce and Industry Bureau is responsible for the formulation and co-ordination of policies and strategies in relation to Hong Kong's external commercial relations,inward investment promotion and intellectual property protection. 工商局负责制定和协调有关香港对外贸易关系、外来投资及保护知识产权的政策和策略。
- Liberalisation and deregulation opened the way to the creation of broad,deep and liquid capital markets,and established the right environment to attract foreign firms and inward investment. 自由化和废除旧制有助于培养广阔,深入和流动的资本市场,为吸引国外机构和对内投资创造有利环境。
- The purpose for Margarets visit was to promote the UK expertise in life sciences and healthcare sectors and to support inward investment activities for life science healthcare projects from China. 此行旨在向中国企业展示英国在生命科学和医疗卫生领域的领先技术,同时也为来自中国的对英投资项目提供支持。在访问过程中
- The Commerce and Industry Bureau is responsible for the formulation and co-ordination of policies and strategies in relation to Hong Kong's external commercial relations, inward investment promotion and intellectual property protection. 工商局负责制定和协调有关香港对外贸易关系、外来投资及保护知识产权的政策和策略。