- ionic depositing method 离子沉积法
- The result demonstrated that high qualityHAP powder could be synthesized by deposit method. 结果表明沉淀法合成羟基磷灰石的含量和纯度均比较高。
- Article 36 The auditors shall, when collecting real evidences, indicate the owner, quantity, deposit place, deposit method and real evidence provider, etc. of the properties in kind. 第三十六条审计人员在收集实物证据时,应当注明实物的所有权人、数量、存放地点、存放方式和实物证据提供者等情况。
- In this paper, we used the hydrolyze deposition method at low temperatures to prepare titania,used AgNO3 deposit and SiO2 pack relating to modification of TiO2. 本文采用低温水解沉淀法制备二氧化钛,并使用硝酸银(AgNO3)沉积与二氧化硅(SiO2)包裹两种方法来对二氧化钛制备中进行改性。
- The diffusion coefficient of RaA atoms,being 0.071cm~2/s,was determinedusing two-filter wall deposition method. 采用壁沉积方法;测得 RaA 的扩散系数 D=0.;071cm~2/s。
- TiO2 films were prepared by sol-gel and print screen method, MgO/TiO2 films were prepared by liquid deposition method. 用sol-gel法和丝网印刷法制备多孔TiO2薄膜,溶液沉积法制备MgO/TiO2复合薄膜。
- The pearly pigment of mica titanium was prepared by using the liquid deposition method with the urea as precipitant. 采用尿素作为中和剂,用液相沉积法制备了云母钛珠光颜料。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- A template-free electrochemical deposition method for preparations of ZnO nanorod array is reported. 摘要报道了一种氧化锌纳米线阵列的无模板电沉积制备方法。
- Abstract: C-N films were synthesized on high-resistance Si(111) substrates by cluster beam deposition method. 利用荷能团簇沉积装置在高阻硅(111)衬底上沉积了碳氮薄膜。
- BaTiO_3/SrTiO_3 (BTO/STO) multilayer films have been fabricated on Pt/Ti/SiO_2/Si substrates by a pulsed laser deposition method. 采用脉冲激光沉积法在Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si衬底上制备了BaTiO3/SrTiO3(BTO/STO)多层膜。
- The plating used an economical copper replacement deposition method that differs from general electrodeless-plating pretreatment. 利用简单、低成本的置换沉积铜法新工艺,进行表面金属化处理。
- Ionized cluster beams(ICB) is a deposition method which can form high quality film even single crystal in room temperature. 离化团束沉积是一种可在室温条件下获得高质量薄膜甚至单晶膜的沉积方法。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- Silica glass was synthesized by plasma chemical vapor deposition method, which uses inductively coupled plasma as the heat source. 用高频等离子体作为热源,采用化学气相沉积法合成了石英玻璃样品。
- Besid es, the effect of different impurities removing methods, acidity deposit method and washing deposit method on improving obtaining ratio and content of Baicalin wer e also studied in detail. 该文还探讨了黄芩甙提取过程中水提液杂质去除、酸沉和沉淀物洗涤等方法对黄芩甙得率和含量的影响。
- Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上。
- Carbon nanofiber(CNF),a kind of new carbon material,synthesized by catalytic vapor deposition method was used as catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane(ODP). 研究了纳米碳纤维(CNF)新型碳材料催化丙烷氧化脱氢反应的催化性能。
- You may deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. 您可以将您的贵重物品放在旅馆的保险柜里。
- In this paper,we used the hot filament chemical vapor deposition method to synthesize fine grain diamond films on silicon wafers aiming to exploit diamond's acoustic properties. 金刚石/硅声表面波基片的金刚石层晶粒的细化有利于传播能量损耗的降低,采用热丝化学气相沉积法进行了硅基体上沉积细晶粒金刚石工艺的初步探索。