- Lanjian Iron Ore Mine is the biggest open-pit mine in southwestern China. 攀钢兰尖铁矿是西南的特大型露天铁矿,经过30多年的生产,目前采场已进入深凹露天开采。
- It had also agreed to halve its holding in Rio's Hammersley iron ore mine from 15 per cent to 7.5 per cent. 该公司还同意将其在力拓哈默斯利(Hammersley)铁矿的持股比例从15%25减至7.;5%25。
- The heavy machinery will be used to remove giant rocks that buried 2 entrances of an iron ore mine, where 27 miners are believed to still be trapped. 重型机械设备将用来移开掩埋住铁矿石矿井两个入口的一些巨大石块,据证实仍有27名矿工被困井下。
- Based on analysis of techno-mineralogical properties of low grade hematite from Sijiaying Iron Ore Mine, test for determining the dressing ability of hematite has been done. 在对司家营贫赤铁矿工艺矿物学分析的基础上,根据矿石特点,进行了可选性试验研究。
- As the three major iron ore mine highly monopolized the market, even if China became the largest iron ore importer, but also did not bring her major clients advantage. 由于三大矿山高度垄断了铁矿石市场,即使中国成为最大的铁矿石进口国,也没有给自己带来大客户的优势地位。
- The necessity,urgency and importance of Baima Iron Ore Mine's construction and the favorable conditions for the construction are analysed and summarised. 分析了白马铁矿建设的必要性、紧迫性和重要意义,论述了建设的有利条件及开发方案。
- Analysing geologic survey of Hu Yanshan iron ore mine and its influence on producing , and raising some suggestions in accordance with specific conditions. 分析了狐偃山铁矿地质勘探结果及其对生产带来的影响,结合矿山实际,对地质工作提出几点具体建议。
- The site is the Brucutu iron ore mine operated by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), the Brazilian company that is the world's biggest supplier of iron ore. 庞大的黄色翻斗卡车每天24小时不停穿梭,以提高矿山产量。这个投资11亿美元开发的项目,上个月正式投产。
- Focus on Shandong Jinling Iron Ore Mine area, Pingdu gold mining areas, such as jujube Tao coal mining area. 重点矿区为山东金岭铁矿区、平度金矿区、枣陶煤矿区等。
- The stability of skarn in the soleplate of ore body is bad and the mining ground pressure is serious in Xishimen iron ore mine. 鲁中小官庄铁矿由于埋藏深、地压大、矿体倾角比较缓、矿岩破碎,是国内有名的难采矿山之一。
- The authors use FLAC to carry out simulation analysis on two mining options in southern slope of Yanqianshan Iron Ore Mine of Anshan Mining Company. 利用FLAC程序,对鞍山矿业公司眼前山铁矿采场南帮的两种开采方案分别进行了模拟研究。
- These could include prize iron ore mines in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. 其中可能包括西澳皮尔巴拉地区一流的铁矿。
- About one hour's sailing east of Huangshi, the industrial and iron ore mining city below Wuhan, is the small town of Qizhou. 大约一个小时的航行东部的黄石,工业和铁矿石开采低于武汉市,是小城镇的舟。
- Some people close to Australian iron ore mining and Chinalco say the collapse of the deal caused the arrests, not the iron ore disputes. 熟悉澳大利亚铁矿石开采业和中国铝业的一些人士表示,被捕事件的导火索是交易的失败,而非铁矿石争端。
- At one time,he owned the iron ore mines,the ships that would carry ore,the mills to make the steel,and virtually all of the parts manufacturing operations. 一段时期,他曾拥有铁矿、运矿石的船、炼钢厂以及几乎所有的零件制造厂。
- At one time, he owned the iron ore mines, the ships that would carry ore, the mills to make the steel, and virtually all of the parts manufacturing operations. 一段时期,他曾拥有铁矿、运矿石的船、炼钢厂以及几乎所有的零件制造厂。
- Rio Tinto, a British/Australian mining company, recently announced plans to fully automate its Pilbara iron ore mines in Australia, including its Komatsu trucks, by this November. 这两大工程机械巨头将卡车变成机器人是出于三大理由:改进安全、效率和生产率,降低成本,增加可用性。
- Kiruna: Iron Ore Mine in the Arctic Circle 北极圈内铁矿城一基律纳
- Iron ore has been discovered in the area. 这地区发现了铁矿。
- He linked Canberra regulatory concerns to what he revealed was his modified offer to Rio: a lower overall equity stake and halving his planned stake in Rio's Pilbara iron ore mines. 熊说:“在我们和外国投资审核委员接触和沟通期间,我们就收到了根据规则,应该如何修正的建议”。