- The company was established in June 2006, Tibet's main production processing of wild walnut oil, garlic, Garlicin and copper ore, iron ore. 本公司成立于2006年6月,主要加工生产西藏野生核桃油,大蒜油,大蒜素和铜矿石、铁矿石。
- The Huashugou copper ore is the commensal ore in the iron-copper deposit in Jingtieshan iron mine and is cortroled obviously by ductile shear zone and interformational sliding. 桦树沟铜矿是镜铁山矿区与铁矿共生的铁铜矿床,其产出受后期韧性剪切带和层间滑动带共同控制。
- The preparative condition of cupric sulfate from low-grade copper ore has been investigated in this paper,the method of removal of iron in the process has also been studied. 探讨了从低品位铜矿制取硫酸铜的工艺条件,并针对制取过程的除铁进行了研究。
- The results show that nanometer manganese powder that is prepared by the arc plasma method using raw manganese ore is non-stoichiometry oxide particles containing iron,copper and other elements. 结果表明,以锰矿为原料电弧等离子体法制备的纳米锰是以锰为主体,含有铁、铜等金属元素并部分以氧化态存在的粒子。
- About half of the world's known supply of copper ore is already in use. 全世界已知的铜矿储量,大约有一半已在使用了。
- Malachite is the dominant copper mineral of sandstone copper ore in Xinjiang. 摘要新疆某砂岩铜矿的铜矿物主要以孔雀石为主。
- The Dexing copper mine in Jiangxi Province is a porphyry copper ore field of veinlet-dissemi-nated type. 江西德兴铜矿是一个细脉浸染型斑岩铜矿田。
- And we can see that they also knew how to obtain resources from farther afield, such as flint and copper ore. 我们还发现,他们也知道如何取得远方的资源,例如燧石与铜矿。
- A brownish - bronze, lustrous copper ore with the composition Cu5FeS4that tarnishes to purple when exposed to air. 斑铜矿一种棕铜或亮铜矿Cu5FeS4,含有当暴露于空气时会变成紫色的化合物
- It's spcialized in senior "BAOXIN"、"DIAO" brand 8 kinds of locks.It's more than 150 styles iron copper and steel padlocks. 公司主要生产“包心”、“雕牌”等8种品牌的中高档铁、铜、钢系列挂锁,共150余种规格产品。
- The author used VLF method in surveying and explorating gold deposits, ludwigite, copper ore, molybdenum ore and coal ore. 作者在辽东地区把甚低频(VLF)法应用于金矿、硼镁铁矿、铜矿、钼矿和煤矿的普查勘探工作中。
- A brownish - bronze,lustrous copper ore with the composition Cu5FeS4that tarnishes to purple when exposed to air. 斑铜矿一种棕铜或亮铜矿Cu5FeS4,含有当暴露于空气时会变成紫色的化合物
- River Plate for more than rocks, water flow needs, rich Lengshui Yu, the local people "to help iron copper estuary at the end of firewood, water flow radical Waterloo big fish". 河床多为岩石,水深流急,盛产冷水鱼,故当地人有"铜帮铁底柴河口,水深流急窝大鱼"的说法。
- Copper and sulfur exist in sulfide.Usually aurum and argentine exist in copper ore mostly in enfoldment state . 铜、硫是以硫化矿状态存在,金、银矿物多呈包裹体状态存在于铜矿物中。
- An azure blue vitreous mineral of basic copper carbonate, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, used as a copper ore and as a gemstone. 蓝铜矿,石青天蓝色透明无机物碱性碳酸铜,Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2,用作一种铜矿或宝石
- Typical application: gold ore, alumina ore, superfine coal ore, copper ore, nickel ore and kinds of building ore etc. 典型的矿产品有:黄金矿石、氧化铝矿石、火电发电用超细煤矿石、铜矿石、镍矿石、各类建筑材料用矿石等.
- A brownish-bronze, lustrous copper ore with the composition Cu5FeS4 that tarnishes to purple when exposed to air. 斑铜矿一种棕铜或亮铜矿Cu5FeS4,含有当暴露于空气时会变成紫色的化合物
- Using L-SX-EW technology to treat low-grade copper ore, which can produce high quality 1# cathode copper. 摘要采用浸出-萃取-电积工艺处理难选低品位铜矿,可产出高质量的1%23阴极铜。
- An experimental research on auriferous high-sulfur copper ore flotation with a new reagent was carried out. 采用新药剂对某含金高硫铜矿石进行了系统浮选试验研究。
- A combined flotation-hydrometallurgical technology was proposed for treating a refractory copper ore in Sichuan. 针对四川某地铜矿石特性,进行了选冶工艺试验研究。