- The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend. 对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。
- World multipolarization and economic globalization are making tortuous progress.Seeking peace and development and promoting cooperation and progress have become an irreversible historical trend. 世界多极化、经济全球化在曲折中发展,谋求和平与发展、促进合作与进步已成为不可阻挡的历史潮流。
- irreversible historical trend 不可逆转的历史潮流
- Historical trend is irresistible. 历史潮流是不可阻挡的。
- This is a powerful historical trend which no one can stop. 这是任何人也阻挡不住的强大的历史潮流。
- This is an action running totally counter to the historical trend. 这完全是与历史潮流背道而驰的做法。
- The economic globalization has become an irreversible historical trend. The information-based new economy represented by the Internet economy is advancing vibrantly. 世界经济全球化的发展趋势已成为不可逆转的历史潮流,以信息化为基础,以网络经济为代表的新经济正蓬勃发展。
- The economic globalization has become an irreversible historical trend.The information-based new economy represented by the Internet economy is advancing vibrantly. 世界经济全球化的发展趋势已成为不可逆转的历史潮流,以信息化为基础,以网络经济为代表的新经济正蓬勃发展。
- The vanishment of Forfeiture of Property is an inexorable historical trend. 没收财产刑走向消亡是历史的必然趋势。
- The complete reunification of China represents the aspirations of the people and is a historical trend that no one and no force could stop. 完成祖国的统一大业是人心所向,是任何人任何势力也阻挡不了的历史潮流。
- Integration e. G. Regional economic integration is beyond any doubt a historical trend. 地区经济一体化无疑是个历史潮流。
- One for all and all for one; Go along with the historical trend and promote the social progress. 我为人人,人人为我;顺应历史潮流,推动社会进步。
- Westernization Group conform to the historical trend and finally stood upwind, the start superfate. 洋务派顺应了历史的潮流,终于占了上风,开始飞黄腾达了。
- Disraeli conformed to the historical trend of the times, overcoming magnitude of pressure to reform Conservatism. 主张维护传统价值观的保守主义面临严重危机,作为保守党的领袖,迪斯累利顺应时代的潮流,克服重重阻力担当起了改造保守主义的重任。
- Our future real property law should comply with the historical trend of the vicissitude of real property. 我国未来物权法应当顺应物权观念演进的历史潮流,实现由绝对物权到相对物权的历史性更新。
- With the historical trend of reformation and opening policy, there were so many peasants thronged into city. 伴随着改革开放的历史进程,大批农民涌入城市,为城市繁荣和发展做着重要的贡献。
- The appearance in 798 of so many artists and "cultured people" is a concreted manifestation of this historical trend. 大批艺术家文化人的入驻,正是这一历史趋势的反映。
- The great cause of the reunification of the motherland is an important issue that conforms to the historical trend of the times and satisfies the needs of the Chinese people. 现在,完成祖国的统一大业,是顺应历史潮流,合乎人民要求的大事。
- In our environment, we only keep them for a week, but we keep compiled summary reports indefinitely, allowing for historical trend analysis. 在我们的环境中,我们只将它们保留一个周,但是我们无限期地保留已编译的摘要报表,以便进行历史趋势分析。
- From the secondary market to judge the historical trend, the second half of Gree significantly outperform almost inevitable. 由二级市场历史走势判断,下半年格力大幅跑赢大盘几乎是必然的。