- I must take issue with you on that point. 关於那一点,我不得不和你持不同意见。
- I really must take issue with you there. 我觉得你的观点值得商榷。
- Is not always in accordance with textbooks. 不总是和书上教的一样。
- Each student was issued with a textbook. 每个学生发了一本课本。
- I join issue with you there. My view is entirely opposed to yours. 在那一点上我同你有争议,我的观点与你的完全相反。
- Free operation of the country and issued with free textbooks. 免费作业本与国家免费教科书一同下发。
- He has no intention of joining issue with you. 他无意与你争辩。
- "Now, Ma'm, I'm taking issue with you on that! "不过,太太,在这一点上我可要跟你唱反调了。
- The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details. 那作家常以细枝末节来混淆实质问题。
- Described known issue with the Message Queue task. 描述了消息队列任务的已知问题。
- Process Transfer-price issue with internal company. 负责处理西门子关联方转移价格的事务。
- Fixed an issue with control group selection. 修正了控制组选取的问题。
- The father is at issue with his son. 父子意见不和。
- This is not an issue with DVD installations. 这不是DVD安装的问题。
- Apparently the government has partnered with textbook publishers to load educational content on these machines.Great. 很显然,政府已经与文字出版商合作在闪盘内预载了教育方面的材料。
- Up to have an argument over this issue with her. 我已作好了与她辩论这个问题的准备。
- His ideas are at issue with mine. 他的想法与我的想法不一致。
- Fixed rare issue with getting stuck in VATS mode. 修正了极少出现的VATS模式卡住的问题。
- He was unable to examine the issue with detachment. 他不能客观公正地调查这一问题。
- be issued with textbooks (学生们)发了课本