- It was reported that there would be an annular eclipse tomorrow. 据报道说,明天有日环食。
- It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening. 据报道说,明天晚上有月食。
- It was reported that changes were being considered. 有传言说改革措施正在酝酿之中。
- It was reported that there was trouble on hand. 据说将会发生麻烦。
- It was reported that some of the king's troops had revolted. 据说有些王室军队已经叛变。
- It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipsetomorrow evening. 据报道说,明天晚上有月食。
- It was reported that the body was naked when discovered. 据说这个婴儿被发现时是光着身子的。
- It was reported that another bridge was to be built across the Yangtse River. 据报道长江上将要再建一座大桥。
- It was reported that several people had been arrested. 据报道已有数人被捕。
- It was reported that four men escaped from prison yesterday. 据报道,昨天四个人越狱逃跑了。
- It was reported that many boats sailing on the sea had been lost. 据报道,在海上航行的很多船只失踪了。
- It was reported that the banks had decided to drop the POST scheme. 据报道,银行决定搁置销货点终端机方案的执行。
- It was reported that the man was charged with bribing at present. 据悉,这名男子将在近期以受贿罪被正式起诉。
- Heavy casualties were reported (ie It was reported that many people had been killed) in the fighting. 据报战斗中伤亡惨重(很多人被杀).
- It was reported that half a million workers were on strike in that country. 消息说,在那个国家,有50万工人举行了罢工。
- It was reported that three people were crushed to death in the panic crowds. 据报道,在慌乱的人群中有三人被踩死。
- It was reported that the hotel had been set up by the end of last year. 据报导,那家饭店是去年年末建成的。
- It was reported that half a million workers were on strike in their country. 据报道他的国家有五十万工人罢工。
- It was reported that the building of the railway had been held up by a flood. 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。
- It was reported that there was a collision between two trains this morning. 据说今天早晨发生两列火车相撞事件。