- It happened that my mother was out that day. 我母亲恰巧那天出去了。
- It happened that the harvest was bad in 1988. 碰巧一九八八年的收成很糟。
- It happened that there was a telephone booth nearby. 碰巧在附近有个公用电话亭。
- How does it happen that you know him? 你怎么会认识他的?
- How can it happen that so many machine parts get rusty? 怎么竟会有这么多机器零件生锈呢?
- How did it happen that the proposal was vetoed at the Security Council? 这项提案在安理会遭到否决是怎么搞的?
- It happened that wind swept that letter in, he knew everything at once. 碰巧一阵风把那封信吹进来,他了解了一切事情。
- It happened that he came to see me that evening. 碰巧那天晚上他来看我。
- It happened that I was not home that day. 碰巧那天我没有在家。
- It happened that I was not there that day. 碰巧那天我不在那儿。
- It happened that the harvest was bad that year . 恰好那年收成不好。
- Once it happened that a Sufi was brought to me. 有一次一个苏非教徒被带到我这里。
- It happened that he wasn't with us that day . 那天他没有和我们在一起。
- It happened that he had some money. 他刚好有带钱。
- It happened that she was out when we called. 我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。
- It happened that the harvest was bad that year. 恰好那年收成不好。
- It happened that he had been hurt. 碰巧他受了伤。
- It happened that he had to be present at a meeting. 恰好这天他须去参加一个会。
- It happened that her cousins were in the room. 恰好她的表兄妹在屋里。
- It happened that I was also here. 正好我也在这里。