- item selection strategy 选题策略
- Item Selection Strategies of Computerized Adaptive Testing based on Graded Response Model 等级反应模型下计算机化自适应测验选题策略
- Represents a list box control that allows single or multiple item selection. 表示允许单项或多项选择的列表框控件。
- The Comparison Among Item Selection Strategies of CAT with Multiple-choice Items 多级评分题计算机自适应测验选题策略比较
- To enable multiple item selection, set the SelectionMode property to ListSelectionMode.Multiple. 若要启用多项选择;请将SelectionMode属性设置为ListSelectionMode.;Multiple。
- Use the ListBox control to create a list control that allows single or multiple item selection. 使用ListBox控件创建允许单项或多项选择的列表控件。
- In chap-ter2,3.We study portfolio selection strategy to base on the safety first criteria. 第二,三章研究跳跃-扩散模型中基于“安全第一准则”的最优投资组合策略,第四章研究跳跃-扩散模型证券投资组合选择的随机微分对策。
- Meanwhile, the selection strategy of preserving the best individuals can reduce the calculation time greatly. 此外,采用最佳个体保存法的选择策略可以减少额外的计算量。
- In the dissertation, we researched on the two questions in market basket analysis: most profitable item selection and profits prediction in price promotion. 本文对购物篮分析中的两个问题进行了深入研究:最有利润的商品选择问题,价格促销利润估计问题。
- We anvanced a fast block match algorithm based on Rate-Distortion Optimization and a fast intra prediction mode selection strategy based on edge detection. 并提出了一种基于率失真最优化准则的快速块匹配算法和基于边缘检测的帧内预测模式选择策略。
- In this paper, a market-based strategy is presented to select replica in data grids, which is based on equilibrium theory and which realizes the replica selection strategy. 针对数据网格提出了一种基于市场机制的复制选择策略,以一般均衡理论为基础,依靠市场机制实现数据网格的复制选择策略。
- For assessing more efficiently abstraction and cognitive flexibility in preschoolers, this research made a new measuring tool named Abstraction and Cognitive Flexibility Task (ACFT) based on Flexible Item Selection Task(FIST). 本研究为更有效测量学前儿童抽象能力和认知灵活性,基于灵活选择任务(FIST)创建了一种新的测量学前儿童抽象能力和认知灵活性的工具(Abstraction and Cognitive Flexibility Task,简称为ACFT)。
- Rocklin, T. R. (1989). Individual differences in item selection in computerized self-adapted testing. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Research Association, San Francisco, CA. 李家梵(2003)。台湾极限运动场使用者动机与满意度之相关研究。论文发表于中华民国大专院校九十二年度体育学术研讨会,桃园县,国立体育学院。
- Provides options for arranging and viewing the contents of the item selected in the Views drop-down list box. 提供排列和查看“视图”下拉列表框中选定项的内容的选项。
- A new original codes selection strategy called hypersphere extremum method for the VQ (Vector Quantization) method which is one of the popular speaker recognition algorithms is presented. 摘要针对声纹识别算法中的矢量量化方法,给出一种新的初始码本选择策略:超球面极值选择法;
- If you do not have an item selected when you click Show Related Resources, the first item in the list pane is selected. 如果在单击“显示相关资源”时没有选择项目,则会选择列表窗格中的第一个项目。
- With the guidance of the knowledge base and multi-layer selective strategy, CITC fetch relevant pages selectively. 在知识库的指导下,CITC采用多重选择策略,对网页进行选择性爬取。
- Rocklin, R. R. (1989). Individual differences in item selection in computerized self-adapted testing. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Research Association, San Francisco, CA. 李家梵(2003):台湾极限运动场使用者动机与满意度之相关研究。论文发表于中华民国大专院校九十二年度体育学术研讨会,桃园县,国立台湾体育大学(桃园)。
- National Natural Science Foundation of China.“Research on the Optimization &Reconstruction for the Structural Selection Strategy in the Multicomponent Trend”. Fang Lixin, Zhou Qi. 国家自然科学基金:“现代建筑理论研究”,刘先觉,邓思玲,周琦等
- This paper guesses and conducts a common CPC mode search engine advertisements ranking method,and applies this method on guilding advertisers’ keyword selecting strategy. 探讨了推测CPC模式下搜索引擎广告排序模型的一般方法,并据此指导广告商的关键词选择策略。