- Itinerant Hawker Licence Compulsory Deletion Policy 强制性取消流动小贩牌照政策
- regrading of itinerant hawker licence 更改持牌流动小贩的类别
- surveyed static itinerant hawker 在固定地点经营的已登记流动小贩
- Staff of Hawker Control Teams inspect licensed fixed-pitch hawker stalls regularly and regulate the operation of itinerant hawkers whenever they are found hawking in the streets. 小贩事务队人员定期巡查持牌固定小贩摊档,并整顿在街头贩卖的流动小贩。
- They also take necessary control action on itinerant hawkers whenever they are found plying their trade in streets. 他们又负责管理在街上贩卖的流动小贩,如有需要,会采取执法行动,遏止违例情况。
- They also take necessary management actions on itinerant hawkers whenever they are found plying their trade in streets. 他们又负责管理在街上贩卖货物的流动小贩。如有需要,他们会采取执法行动,遏止违例情况。
- itinerant hawker 流动小贩
- itinerant hawker licence 流动小贩牌照
- One who walks from place to place; an itinerant. 巡行者,漫步者从一处到另一处步行; 巡行者
- One who travels about selling wares for a living; a hawker. 兜售小贩以挨街叫卖货物为生的人; 沿街小贩
- A member of a guild of skilled itinerant masons during the Middle Ages. 石匠协会成员中世纪由技术熟练的巡回石匠组成的行会的成员
- A circuit court held by itinerant royal justices in medieval England. 巡回法庭中世纪英国由巡回的皇家法官主持的巡回法庭
- The hawker cried his wares throughout the town. 那小贩沿街叫卖商品。
- An itinerant judge;itinerant labor. 巡回法官团;巡回公务
- "What's wrong with being a hawker? 小贩也不错呀!
- Traveling from place to place;itinerant. 巡回的,巡游的从一地旅游到另一个地方;巡回的
- What's wrong with being a hawker? 小贩也不错呀!
- A medieval itinerant singer;a minstrel. 吟游诗人中世纪的流浪歌手;吟游诗人
- I bought that book from mobile hawker. 我从流动小贩那里买到了那本书。
- Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s. 1880年代,巡回大牧场达到了顶峰。