- Some types of board are: Bristol board, Chip board, Cloth centered board, Duplex board, Grey board, Ivory board, Mill board, Paste board, and Straw board, etc. 常用的纸板有:上等纸弧,粗纸板,布心纸板,双面白纸板,灰纸板,象牙白纸板,书皮纸板,裱糊纸板和草纸板等等。
- Ivory board Good quality board manufactured by laminating two high quality sheets together. It is rigid with a bright surface especially suitable for business and invitation cards. 象牙白纸板用两张高品质纸张裱合而成的优质纸板。它结实、表面有光泽,特别适合请卡和名片用。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- Gold, slaves and ivory were sent north. 黄金、奴隶和象牙被运送到北方。
- He has a lot of clout with the board of directors. 他对董事会有很大的影响力。
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- The men trafficked with the natives for ivory. 这些人与土着居民做买卖以换取象牙。
- The professor lived in an ivory tower. 这个教授生活在象牙塔中。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 让我们在上漆以前把这块板洗干净。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- He saw he should no longer shut himself up in his ivory tower. 他认识到不应再把自己关在象牙塔里。
- His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat. 他瘦削的身躯裹在一件象牙色的阿富汗大衣中。
- The mast went by the board in the storm. 那船桅在暴风雨中落于船外。
- I posted a notice about it on the bulletin board. 我把有关那件事的通告贴在布告栏上。
- Meal times are shown on the notice board. 告示牌上写有用餐时间。
- Let's pin the notice on the bulletin board. 咱们把这个通知钉在布告牌上吧。
- The boat has gone adrift and there is no one board! 小船漂走了,船上一个人也没有人了。
- She pinned the list up on the notice board. 她把名单钉在布告栏上。
- The loose board in the floor should be nailed down. 地板中松了的板子应该用钉子钉牢。
- He posted a bulletin on the board. 他在布告板上贴了一张公告。