- This catalogue of ancient jade articles is printed on colored pages. 这本古玉器的图录是彩页印刷的。
- Often meet a problem in the research of ancient jade articles, but the jade interrogates the question. 在古玉器的研究中经常遇到一个问题,就是玉质问题。
- This is an old good merchantable brand of animal jade articles of the Tang Dynasty that hid in the Palace Museum. 这件是故宫旧藏的唐代动物玉器的佳品。狻猊就是狮子。
- The hardness is great, the polishing is good, can make jade articles shiny, it is easy to keep at the same time. 硬度大,抛光性好,能使玉器发亮,同时也便于保存。
- The ancient jade articles shock people all around the world for its amazing artistic style as well as its beautiful craftwork and mystification. 红山文化古玉器,朴拙而智慧的艺术造型;精湛而独特的加工工艺;神秘而深厚的文化内涵;这一切,无不为世人所震惊。
- It is the bazaar of Chinese jade articles, especially complete in kinds, fine in craft, and cheap in price. 位于荔湾区华林街,是中国预期集散地,货品丰富,做工精细,价格便宜。
- Whether a piece of malachite could not merely appraise the mineral as the jade material making jade articles, and must carry on the craft to appraise. 一块玉石能否作为制作玉器的玉料,不仅要进行矿物鉴定,而且必须进行工艺鉴定。
- Yes.wr're the largest jade article dealer in the city. 是的。我们是全市最大的玉器经销商。
- The four kings of jade articles include jade tube,penannular jade ring,jade awl and jade silkworm in Baiyinchanghan site. 白音长汗遗址出土玉器种类有玉管、玉玦、玉锥、玉蝉四种。
- This paper demonstrates popularity and oneness of the bird worship custom by analysing the revolved lines and veins on the prehistoric painted potteries and jade articles. 本文通过分析史前彩陶上的旋纹和玉器上的旋目神的鸟崇拜属性,从新的角度再次论证了鸟崇拜的广泛性和统一性。
- The legend says that wearing jade articles carved in the shape of a pixiu (a fabulous wild beast) can ward off evil spirits and let riches come into your house. 民间传说佩戴貔貅玉佩可以辟邪、招财。
- Jade articles in ancient China started from being divine utility used in sorcery, and gradually became the symbol of regality, which resultedin rigorous hierarchical system governing the use of jade. 中国古代的玉器从通神的巫用神具发展为王权的标志,形成了严格的用玉等级制度。
- The craft containing natural and man-made jewelry and jade article, finished product mainly is embroidery and pearl. 工艺品主要为各种天然和人工合成珠宝玉器等,成品方面以刺绣与珍珠为主。
- This hides the most peculiar one jade article in Shang dynasty old in the Palace Museum. 这是故宫旧藏商代玉器最为奇特的一件。
- This jade article is excavated near Wei imperial tomb of the city of Xianyang of Shaanxi Province. 此件玉器出土于陕西省咸阳市渭陵附近。
- The making of the jade clothes has displayed metal processing of high development and jade article technological level. 玉衣的制作表现了高度发展的金属加工和玉器工艺水平。
- Wang Zhe is one of Shanghai famous jade article appraiser. He is highly appraised by the students because he shows and explains objects by example. 上海著名玉器鉴赏师汪哲老师,以物施教的特点深受学员好评。
- China use Nephrite make jade article have a long history, accumulate craft determine abundant experience of Nephrite already. 中国使用和田玉制作玉器历史悠久,已积累了工艺鉴定和田玉的丰富经验。
- This Western Han Dynasty early one jewellery of jade article, good merchantable brand generation definitely known so far. 这是西汉早期玉器的一件珍宝,是迄今所知的绝世佳品。
- Our factory makes celluloid articles. 我们厂制造赛璐路制品。