- Too much gaiety or laughter would jar upon their almost sacred quiet. 过多的欢乐和嬉笑都会干扰她们那几乎神圣肃穆的宁静。
- But it seemed to him there was something in the recital that jarred upon his sense of beauty and life. 但是他似乎觉得这故事里有些限他对美和人生的感觉抵触的东西。
- And everything jarred upon her: Denisov's shout and guffaw and Natasha's chatter, and above all the hasty glance Sonya stole at her. 不论是杰尼索夫的喊声和笑声,还是娜塔莎的说话声,尤其是索尼娅匆匆向她投来的目光,所有这一切都使她心里感到不痛快。
- He fashioned the clay into a jar. 他用粘土做成一个陶土罐子。
- The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams. 这瓶咖啡净重180克。
- How much is a jar of peanut butter? 一瓶花生酱多少钱?
- Her frivolous manner jarred upon him, and he forgot in his irrational displeasure that Miss Audley had known nothing of the terrible drama which had been so long enacting under her very nose. 她轻浮的态度使他感到不快,他在他那非理性的不快之中竟忘掉了奥德利小姐对于那长期以来在她鼻子底下演出的可怕的戏剧原是一无所知的。
- The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears. 扩音器的噪音突然传进我们的耳中。
- He gave his back a nasty jar when he fell. 他这一跌,背部 得很厉害。
- After three scoops the jar was nearly empty. 舀了三勺後,罐子就快空了。
- He tried to exercise an undue influence upon his colleagues. 他想对他的同事施加不适当的影响。
- The jar of the alarm woke me up. 闹钟的刺耳铃声把我吵醒了。
- The jar contains ten glasses of water. 这只大口瓶能装十杯水。
- The jar of the explosion was felt for miles around. 那次爆炸引起的震荡周围好几英里都能感觉到。
- Many issues hung upon the outcome of the debate. 许多问题都看这次辩论结果如何来决定。
- The orange curtains jar with the red furniture. 这橙色窗帘与红色的家具不协调。
- Cross and angry words in family grate upon the ear. 不高兴与生气的话在一个家庭里令人不愉快。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- She preened herself upon her beauty. 她为自已的美貌感到自满。
- Such a demand borders upon folly. 提出这种要求简直是愚蠢。