- It starts by printing a string,and then the date,using the Date class from the Java standard library. 它能打印出与当前运行的系统有关的资料,并利用了来自Java标准库的System对象的多种方法。
- It starts by printing a string, and then the date, using the Date class from the Java standard library. 它能打印出与当前运行的系统有关的资料,并利用了来自java标准库的system对象的多种方法。
- java script java standard library java 标准库
- java standard library java java standard library 标准库
- Is home to the Java Standard Tag Library 1.2. 是Java标准标记库1.;2的家。
- java standard library 标准件库
- Does not import standard library (mscorlib. Dll). 不导入标准库(mscorlib.;dll)。
- Names of objects in the standard library, however, are presented in italics. 但是,标准库中的对象名用斜体表示。
- The JAX-RPC technology has been a Java Standard since June of last year.So, the Java Community is not having a problem 'keeping up' with Microsoft. 模式是人们在长时间的实践中所积累的经验的结晶,它对软件开发及其过程意义深远。
- Initially the problem has been tackled by applying the standard library procedures of loans and photocopies. 问题的解决最初是通过应用图书馆外借和复制的标准程序。
- The standard library ensures that an input text stream appears as a sequence of lines, each terminated by a newline. 标准库能否确保,怎么确保文本流是一些以新行符结尾的行序列?谢谢!
- Standard libraries contain objects and are created by the LIB tool. 标准库包含对象,并用LIB工具创建。
- The prototypes of standard library functions are found in standard header files. 标准库函数的原型能在标准头文件中找到。
- This edition gives center stage to using the standard library while deemphasizing techniques for low-level programming. 书中不再强调低层编程技术,而把中心转向标准库的使用。
- Most of the standard library and built-in Boolean functions that previously returned integers will now return Booleans. 以前返回整数的大部分标准库函数和内建布尔型函数现在返回布尔型。
- The standard library containers, iterators, and algorithms are good examples of generic programming. 标准库中的容器、迭代器和算法是很好的泛型编程的例子。
- The functions of the standard library, for example, are declared in headers like
. 例如,标准库中的函数就是在类似于的头文件中声明的。 - Learning to use the standard library more effectively will help improve your Ruby code and let you concentrate on the important parts of your code. 学习更有效地使用标准库,会有助于改善Ruby代码,并让您把精力集中在代码的重要部分。
- Is a popular general purpose, application-development language famed for its readability, sensible design, and comprehensive standard library. 是一个流行的、通用的应用程序开发语言,以其可读性、聪明的设计和全面的标准库著称。
- In addition, we contrast the built-in C++ support for strings and arrays with the class abstractions provided by the C++ standard library. 另外我们还将把C++内置的对字符串与数组的支持与C++标准库提供的类抽象进行对比。