- The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the kitchen. 管子破了,水从厨房的这边喷到那边。
- The jet of water from the hose soon put out the fire. 救火水管中射出的水很快就把火扑灭了。
- The whale blew a jet of water into the air. 鲸向空中喷出一股水。
- The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water. 气缸可用喷水冷却。
- A jet of water shot up into the air. 一道水柱喷向空中。
- The firemen directed jets of water at the burning building. 消防队员把水柱喷向燃烧着的楼房。
- The pipe burst and jet of water shoot across the kitchen. 管子破了,水从厨房的这边喷到那边。
- The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room. 管子爆裂,一股股水从屋子这头喷到那头。
- The fireman directed jets of water at the burning house. 消防员把水柱喷向燃烧的房子。
- The firemen directed jets of water at the burning house. 消防队员把水柱喷向着火的房子。
- The fireman sent jets of water into the burning house. 消防队员把水流喷进燃烧着的房屋。
- The pipe burst and a jet of water shot across the kitchen. 管子破了,一股水流由厨房这边喷到那边。
- The jet of water hit him full in the face,blinding and choking him. 喷出的水柱迎面打在他的脸上,使他睁不开眼睛,喘不过气来。
- The jet of water hit him full in the face, blinding and choking him. 喷出的水柱迎面打在他的脸上,使他睁不开眼睛,喘不过气来。
- Jets of water dance to the patriotic anthem "Love My China," while laser beams shoot into the sky. 伴着爱国歌曲“爱我中国”的音符,喷泉有节奏地起伏着,激光光束直入云霄。
- You can help an antibubble last longer by gently squiriting it with jets of water by submerging your pippette.Don't squeeze too hard or you'll pop it! 如果要做出更持久的反泡泡,你可以轻轻将滴管浸入水中再挤出溶液,可别挤压得太大力,否则瓶中的水会爆出来喔!
- In a water jet loom, the filling yarn is carried by a high pressure jet of water. 在喷水织机上,纬纱被高压水流携带前进。
- When he swims in the sea a big jet of water comes out into the air from the hole in his head. 当他在大海中游泳的时候,一股水柱就会从他头顶上的洞里喷出,喷向空中。
- He cut his wrist so badly that jets of blood spurted out. 他的手腕割伤得很厉害,血阵阵涌出。
- He lifted a pail of water from the ground. 他把一桶水从地上提了起来。