- He was honoured by scholars and rewarded by kings. 他受到学者的尊敬,并被国王奖励。
- journals by scholars “学者办刊”
- Types of presbyopic glasses used by scholars are exhibited in the museum. 在博物馆里陈列着以前文人们用过的各式各样的老花镜。
- This view was challenged by scholars, by elected governmental representatives, and by religious leaders. 这个观点受到学者、选出的政府代表和宗教领袖的反对。
- I came into journalism by way of an accident. 我成为记者纯属意外。
- While the book will be welcomed by scholars,it will make an immediate appeal to the general readers. 当这本书被学者欢迎的同时,它将立即引起普通读者的兴趣。
- There are more than 100 humanities and social sciences edition of journals by the universities of science and engineering in China. 摘要目前全国理工院校主办的人文社科学报已达100多家,在我国高校人文社会科学学报序列中具有举足轻重的地位。
- Bei constructions are one of the Chinese basic syntactic forms, which are continuously studied by scholars. 被"字句是汉语的基本句式之一,历来受方家重视。
- While the book is welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general readers. 这本书将受到学者的欢迎,同时也会引起一般读者的兴趣。
- A distinctive outer robe worn on ceremonial occasions, as by scholars or clerics. 学士服、法服、礼服等在一些庆祝仪式上,学者或教士穿着的与众不同的外衣
- The Arabian origin of literature and art in the Renaissance is generally ignored by scholars of the academia . 学术界普遍忽视西欧文艺复兴时代之文学和艺术的阿拉伯渊源问题。
- The theme of time and its function in Eliot's poetry has been discussed by scholars such as Nancy K. 本文旨在通过分析艾略特主要诗歌(《杰?阿尔弗莱特?普鲁弗洛克的情歌》、《一位妇人的画像》、《小老头》、《荒原》和《四个四重奏》),阐释时间与意识观念的形成,论述时间与意识之间的关系,探讨二者在艾略特诗歌中的作用。
- While the book will is welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general readers. 当这本书被学者欢迎的同时,它将立即引起普通读者的兴趣。
- In civilised countries, the truth is best policed by scholars, not criminal prosecutors. 在文明国家,最有公信力证明事实的是学者们而不是犯罪检举人。
- Singapore schools have begun a clampdown on students who insult teachers in online journals by punishing them with suspensions, a newspaper reported. 新加坡的学校已经开始藉由停学处分,来惩罚在线上日记中侮辱师长的学生,一份报纸报导。
- It synthesizes several typical modified ACA which are brought forward by scholars. 综述了学者们提出的几种典型的改进ACA。
- Based on investigating and analyzing some special cases in retrieving impact factor of journals by SCIE, some methods and advices are puts forward. 本文针对检索SCIE期刊影响因子时的一些特例,在对特例数据调查分析的基础上找到了澄清问题的相应方法,并总结出四点建议。
- That Jesus existed is not doubted by scholars, but what the world knows about him comes almost entirely from the New Testament. 尽管对于学者来说,耶酥的存在从来就是不争的事实,但关于他的一切人们都只能从《新约》中获知。
- By using Boxplot method and SPSS software, this paper evaluates the quality of Chinese scholarly journals which are selected as source journals by SCI in 2004. 本文采用箱线图法,利用SPSS软件对2004年SCI收录中国期刊的国际地位进行了评价。
- "Seeking meaning on the basis of sound" put forward by scholars in Qian Jia cannot waver Sapir's hypothesis of randomicity of language signs. 摘要乾嘉学者的“因声求义”动摇不了索绪尔关于语言符号任意性的论断;