- the journals of vocational colleges 高职院校学报
- school journal of vocational colleges 高职高专学报
- journals of vocational college 高职院校学报
- Journal of vocational college 高职院校学报
- journals of vocational colleges 高职院校学报
- Journal of Vocational Colleges 高职高专学报
- How to Enlarge the English Learning Space of Vocational College Students through Internet? 如何利用网络拓展高职生的英语学习空间?
- The emotion education of vocational college students is not independent, it is contained in the whole school education. 高职学生情感教育不是一门独立的教育,它蕴藏在整个学校教育之中。
- How to prevent and lessen the professional listlessness of vocational college teachers is a problem that the educators should confront and solve. 如何预防和缓解高职教师的职业倦怠是教育工作者必须要面时和解决的问题。
- Journal of High Vocational College 高职院校学报
- The teaching quality of vocational college is the lifeblood of vocational education, so it must be the first pursuit to improve the teaching quality. 高职的教学质量是高职发展的生命线,高职必须把提高教学质量作为第一追求。
- The factors affecting gym teaching of vocational college include setting of teaching material, teaching structure, cognize ability of students etc. 影响高职院校体育教学效果的因素有:教材的设置、教法组织、学生的认知能力等。
- He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。
- Legal education is an important content of vocational college education.We should improve the ski-dents' vocational skills as well as their legal and moral level. 摘要法制教育是职业院校教育的重要内容,我们在提高职业院校学生职业技能的同时,要不断培养学生的法制观念和法律意识。
- He writes for a journal of popular science. 他为一家大众科学杂志撰稿。
- Abstract: The factors affecting gym teaching of vocational college include setting of teaching material, teaching structure, cognize ability of students etc. 摘要:影响高职院校体育教学效果的因素有:教材的设置、教法组织、学生的认知能力等。
- Father keeps a journal of his activities. 我父亲有记录每天活动的习惯。
- Lee, Shang-Hou &Rothwell, William J. (1995). Exploring HRD competencies in Taiwan: The results of a cross cultural study. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 3(2), pp5-20. 李声吼,(1998)。中小企业训练人员专业能力研究。第一届产学合作与中小企业发展研讨会,。八十七年五月八日。云林科技大学企业系。
- Journal of College of Chinese Language. 暨南大学华文学院学报。
- There are various kinds of vocational colleges all around the country that satisfy different needs. 适应不同需要的各类职业大学遍及全国。