- jsubmersible drilling platform 坐底式钻井平台
- Workers working on the drilling platform should be careful about storms. 在钻井平台上工作的工人要注意暴风雨的袭击。
- Zili production platform was converted from a jack - up drilling platform with large size mat foundation. 渤海自立号采油平台是由大沉垫基础的自升式钻井平台改造而成。
- When drilling cluster wells on offshore drilling platform, thefollowing up problem of all kinds of cables and BOP controlling cables must be solved. 在海上钻井平台上钻丛式井时,必须解决各种电缆束和防喷器控制管缆的随动问题。
- When drilling cluster wells on offshore drilling platform,thefollowing up problem of all kinds of cables and BOP controlling cables must be solved. 在海上钻井平台上钻丛式井时,必须解决各种电缆束和防喷器控制管缆的随动问题。
- When drilling cluster wells on offshore drilling platform, the following up problem of all kinds of cables and BOP controlling cables must be solved. 在海上钻井平台上钻丛式井时,必须解决各种电缆束和防喷器控制管缆的随动问题。
- As time is rather limited and the mission is rather heavy, he kept working on the drilling platform for more than ten hours. 由于时间紧任务重,他在钻台上一干就是十几个小时。
- Mainly used for marines and sea oil drilling platforms. 船用电热带主要用于船舶、海洋钻井平台。
- A top secret drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico raises a dormant alien creature from the depths. Once loose, the creature goes on a murderous rampage. 在墨西哥湾,一个高度秘密的钻油平台把一个休眠的外星生物从深渊里带了上来。醒来后,那生物疯狂地杀戮。
- Abstract: When drilling cluster wells on offshore drilling platform,thefollowing up problem of all kinds of cables and BOP controlling cables must be solved. 文摘:在海上钻井平台上钻丛式井时,必须解决各种电缆束和防喷器控制管缆的随动问题。
- Oil began leaking two months ago, following an accident on the West Atlas drilling platform, which lies about 200 kilometers off the coast of Western Australia. 自两个月前西印度洋海上钻井平台发生事故以后,石油开始泄露。造成西澳大利亚海岸周边约200千米的海域受污染。
- The bored pile-group is used for the foundation of the main pylon piers and a drilling platform will be used as temporary facilities for construction of the pile foundation. 主塔墩基础采用钻孔灌注桩群桩基础,采用钻孔平台作为桩基施工临时设施。
- The strength of legs of a jack-up drilling platform serviced in Bohai Sea is evaluated and the ice-induced fatigue damage of the platform leg under different ice parameter was determined. 对渤海某自升式钻井平台桩腿进行了强度校核,计算出不同海冰参数下平台桩腿的冰激疲劳损伤。
- The invention uses backplate of header section as drilling platform, which can stretch forth-and-back, sway left-and-right, be adjusted in height, and revolve itself to accomplish the tunnel drilling. 本发明具有前后伸缩、左右摆动、上下高度调整及护顶机自身伸展收缩折叠等功能。
- Offshore oil rigs, drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not dispose oil-polluted industrial wastes into the sea. 海洋石油钻井船、钻井平台和采油平台不得向海域处置含油的工业垃圾。
- Offshore oil rigs,drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not dispose oil-polluted industrial wastes into the sea. 海洋石油钻井船、钻井平台和采油平台不得向海域处置含油的工业垃圾。
- Oil-polluted water and oil mixtures from offshore oil rigs,drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not be directly discharged into the sea. 海洋石油钻井船、钻井平台和采油平台的含油污水和油性混合物,不得直接排放。
- Oil-polluted water and oil mixtures from offshore oil rigs, drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not be directly discharged into the sea. 海洋石油钻井船、钻井平台和采油平台的含油污水和油性混合物,不得直接排放;
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- Jack-up drilling platforms can be divided into two broad categories according to their foundation type: (Din-dividual footings or (2) mat-supported. 自升式钻井平台就其基础类型不同分为桩基式和沉垫式2种。