- Reason and Handle Measure of Jump Automobile at Bridge End on Higher Highway 高等级公路桥头跳车的成因及处治措施
- Cause of Formation and Disposal Measure of Jump Automobile at Bridge End on Higher Highway 桥头跳车成因分析及注浆整治技术研究
- jump automobile at bridge end 桥头跳车
- Henry is a past master at bridge. 亨利是打桥牌的高手。
- angles of rotation at bridge end 梁端转角
- Charles is a good egg; he will always find time to make up a fourth at bridge. 查尔斯很讨人喜欢,他总是愿意抽出时间成为桥牌的第四个搭挡。
- Will you make a fourth at bridge? 我们打桥牌还缺一个人,你要不要参加?(你要不要做第四个打牌的人?)
- William is partnering Peter at bridge. 威廉正与比得做桥牌搭档呢。
- Will you make a fourth at bridge ? 你要不要做第四个打牌的人?
- Reinforcing of soft-soil subgrade at bridge end using cement-powder jet piles 用粉喷桩加固桥头软土地基
- Application of Powder Spraying Pile in Treatment of Soft Soil Foundation and Car Jump at Bridge Ends 粉喷桩技术在软基处理及桥梁桥头跳车中的应用
- Herny likes to entertain his friends.but his being without a automobile at present rather cramp his style. 亨利很想招待朋友,但目前没有汽车,无法显一下身手。
- Below: two MPs search automobiles at a checkpoint. 下:两名议员在一个检查站搜查汽车。
- Now he was a tough cookie! At bridge table or a chess board, at a word game-the psychological pressure he put on you to lose was usually irresistible. 现在他已是个难以对抗的强手。在手桥牌,下棋,做字谜游戏时,他在你心理上给你施加的输定了的压力通常是无法抵御的。
- He is good at chess and no slouch at bridge, either. 他擅长棋类,桥牌也非弱项。
- We will bid for repossessed automobiles at the auction. 我们将在拍卖会竞拍二手汽车。
- I had the kind of paper book at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy. 我手边恰好有一本简装书,使得我尽管没有打成桥牌却也过得很愉快。
- The vehicle bump at bridge approach is a common problem with great damage. 桥头发生跳车现象,是一个十分普遍的问题,其危害极大。
- A couple twins of Azrael,who are in love,make a ablution for the people died in the age of automobile at a abandoned garage-dump. 一对彼此相恋的死神之子,在残废的汽车垃圾场,为死于汽车时代的人们进行死亡洗礼。
- Alice would jump at the chance to Egypt. 爱丽丝会很高兴有机会去埃及。