- Rawls thinks that unfairness does not mean injustice, as long as it is consistent with the two justice principles. 摘要罗尔斯认为,不平等并不意味着不正义,只要它符合两个正义原则。
- Moreover, the money to be convicted of bribery, bribery is not the property of any impunity and failures of the criminal justice principles. 而且,对以钱财贿赂可定罪,而非财物贿赂则任其逍遥法外,也有失刑法公正的原则。
- Rawls's transformation weakens the persuasiveness of justice principles and Habermas' viewpoints provide a solution for moral objectivity under post-metaphysical conditions. 罗尔斯的转变削弱了正义原则的证明力,在后形而上学的条件下,哈贝马斯对道德客观性的认识可以提供一种解决的思路。
- The second library justice principle accepts the face of disbennifit readers. 保障弱势群体读者利用图书馆的优先权;
- However, IFLA maintains that overprotection of copyright could threaten democratic traditions and impact on social justice principles by unreasonably restricting access to information and knowledge. 因此,在数字环境下继续沿用和扩展有关著作权限制的规定,并在适当的情况下增加新的例外,是保证全体社会成员分享信息社会文明成果的必要措施。
- Rawls demonstrated his justice principle with attitude of meticulosity.The methodology applied by Rawls is worth us paying attention to and thinking. 其对正义原则的论证极其细致和填密,运用的方法值得我们关注和探讨。
- God mete out justice in his own good time. 羞恶自有报,只争迟与早。
- From the unhistorical and unrealistic original state , Rolse抯 concluded the justic principle which guides the distribution of authority and obligation , and this led to multitudinous challenges . 罗尔斯从非历史、非现实的原初状态中推出规导现实中的权利与义务分配的正义原则,因此,招致众多的质疑与诘难。
- They seem to be actuated by the principles of equity and justice. 看来他们受公平合理的原则所驱使。
- In the second part, I will emphatically discuss the criticism of Rawls to utilitarianism, and introduce the justice principle, discuss why the justice principle could take place the utilitarianism. 第二部分重点论述罗尔斯对功利主义的批判,以及对正义原则的解释和替代功利主义的可能性。
- In the original position, while choosing the justice principle, people's rationality has three traits, i.e. the veil of ignorance, the disinterested rationality and the maximum rule. 在这一状态下,人在选择正义原则时所表现出的理性具有三个特点:一是处于“无知之幕”的背后,二是人们之间“相互冷淡的理性”,三是对“最大的最小值规则”的确认。
- According to Kant's Ethics, original position, which is based on people's free will, moral autonomy and categorical imperative, is a programmed interpretation of justice principle. 用康德的话来说,原初状态是建立在人的意志自由、道德自律和绝对命令基础之上的对正义原则的一种程序性解释。
- Rawls' second justice principle thinks that the unequal assignment mutt take enhancing the weak one's benefit as a goal, and the unequal assignment established on this foundation is the only just one. 罗尔斯的第二个正义原则认为不平等的分配必须以提高弱者的利益为目的,只有建立在这一基础上的不平等分配才是正义的。
- The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。
- Our actions often negate our principles. 我们的行为时常与我们所信奉的原则背道而弛。
- The murderer delivered himself up to justice. 那个凶手向司法部门投案自首。
- His trial was a travesty of justice. 对他进行审判是对正义的歪曲。
- It goes against my principles to deceive a man. 欺骗人是违背我的处世原则的。
- Justice will triumph over injustice. 正义必将战胜非正义。
- His actions are congruous with his principles. 他的行动和他的主义侣一致。