- kataseismic onset 向源初动
- He met many difficulties at the first onset. 在一开始时,他遇到了许多困难。
- The attainment or onset of puberty. 到达青春期或青春期开始
- Our troops withstood the onset of the enemy. 我们的部队抵挡住了敌人的进攻。
- He went to see a doctor at the onset of a fever. 他开始发烧时便去看医生了。
- In Kata, a discreet hair clip is permitted. 在形比赛中适当的发夹是被允许的。
- Silent Fist Kata Fun type skill. 等级静寂之拳。
- He went to see the doctor at the onset of a cold. 他开始感冒时便去看医生了。
- In repechage only Tokui kata is permitted. 在复活战中,只能演武得意形。
- There'll come no good of him in such an onset. 这种场合他留下来毫无好处。
- Name the two Shitei Kata for Shito Ryu. 列出系東流兩套指定形的名稱。
- Bleeding and diarrhea signal the onset of symptoms. 出血和腹泻意味着症状的发作。
- Name the two Shitei Kata for Goju Ryu. 列出剛柔流兩套指定形的名稱。
- Name the two Shitei Kata for Shotokan. 列出松涛流两套指定形的名称。
- Name the two Shitei Kata for Wado Ryu. 列出和道流两套指定形的名称。
- He goes to see a doctor at the onset of a fever. 他开始发烧时便去看医生了。
- The onset of the diseaseis slow and latent. 起病缓慢而隐匿。
- Does the Onset of Winter Make You Sad? 冬季来临使你抑郁吗?防止季节性抑郁的几点建议。
- How can I Prevent or Delay The Onset of Diabetes? 怎样预防或者延缓糖尿病的发生?
- Have you ever been coughing since the onset? 你起病以来一直咳嗽吗?