- My mother always did all she could to keep peace between my brother and me. 我母亲总是尽量使我和弟弟和睦相处。
- Unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top full Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood, stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visiting of nature shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between The effect and it! 恶灵们,带走我女性的柔弱,让残忍自顶至踵贯注我的全身,凝结我的血液,抹去一切怜悯,不要让天性中的恻隐摇动我狠毒的决意!
- a buffer state(= a small country between two powerful states that helps keep peace between them) 缓冲国(两敌对大国之间有助于维持和平的小国家)
- There is a multilateral agreement to keep the peace between the two countries. 两国达成了一项和平共处的多边协议。
- Better keep peace than make peace. 保持和睦胜过讲和。
- Arms keep peace -- Latin proverb. 武装维持和平。
- Fwd: Peace BeTween AmeriCa And IsLam! 美国与伊斯兰教之间的和平!
- keep peace between 在…之间保持和睦关系
- Can there ever be peace between Zionism and Islam? 犹太复国主义和伊斯兰之间究竟是否存在和平?
- I intend peace between humans, dolphins and whales. 我意愿人类、海豚和鲸鱼之间的和平。
- Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota. 在两个派别之间实现和平; 毫无意义; 没有达到定额
- The UN maintains troops in many regions to keep peace. 联合国在很多区域驻军以维护当地和平。
- The negotiations made for the peace between the two countries. 那次谈判促进了两国的和平。
- It was no use seeking to make peace between the two countries. 企图使两国媾和是没有用的。
- She made peace between Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Watkins. 她使哈里斯太太和沃特金斯太太和解了。
- To keep peace in Asia, the burning Taiwan question cannot be ignored. 为了维持亚洲的和平,迫切的台湾问题,不能漠视。
- Oxford Black series.Men in Black (MIB) keep the peace between aliens from outer space (ETs) and humans. 星际战警必须维护人类和外星人之间的和平。
- The state is justified only as a means of keeping peace on earth. 国家只有作为维护人间和平的工具才是正当的。
- Although you boyfriend dumps you, you should keep peaceful moody. 虽然你男友甩了你,但你还是要保持平和的心境。
- The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions. 谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。