- key board operation 键盘操作
- Modem,CD-ROM,CD/R/W, LCD , Key Board etc. 调制解调器、光驱、刻录光驱、液晶显示器、主板等。
- Perforator Key board which produces prunched paper tape. 把纸带打孔的键盘。
- The two most common ways are the key board and the mouse. 两个普遍的方法是键盘和鼠标。
- Touch type key board to have excellent operational sensitivity. 为触摸式输入键盘,操控敏感度佳。
- The pianist sat alon rat the key board and began to play. 钢琴家坐到钢琴前.;开始弹奏
- This a document source,which is about how to get key board button down msg. 这是一个文本资源,主要是关于如何从键盘获取按键消息的。
- As the largest printed circuit board operation in China, the Group shall be the prime beneficiary of the global outsourcing trend. 集团作为全中国最大的印刷线路板生产商,肯定可在全球外判趋势中首先得益。
- If you enter text vla a key board, then each time you depress a key, the binary digit code associated with that key is transmitted to the microcomputer. 假如你采用键盘来输入文本,那么每当你按下一个键时,与该键对应的二进制数字代码便被送入微计算机。
- If be key board switch, when pressing some bolts ought not to two key are linked together phenomenon, each key presses, restoration wants agile freely. 假如是琴键开关,当按下某一键时不应当有两键相连现象,各键按下,复位都要灵活自如。
- Operation of the system is overseen by the Sub-Committee on Currency Board Operations of EFAC which was established in August 1998. 货币发行局制度的运作由外汇基金咨询委员会辖下的货币发行委员会(于一九九八年八月成立)负责监察。
- If you enter text via a key board, then each time you depress a key, the binary digit code associated with that key is transmitted to the microcomputer. 假如你采用键盘来输入文本,那么每当你按下一个键时,与该键对应的二进制数字代码便被送入微计算机。
- KATO Kato is a low price to 50 tons of automobile hoists, TADANO TADANO 50 T cranes, five vice-linked arm, Mitsubishi chassis, the computer board operation, five outrigger, the movement of good! 加腾|多田野50吨二手起重机|二手汽车吊,低价转让KATO加藤50吨汽车吊,TADANO多田野50T吊车,五节臂挂副杆,三菱底盘,电脑板操作,五条支腿,车况良好!欢迎外贸公司朋友来电咨询洽谈业务合作。
- We are looking for any available quantities of computer acessories as follows: Computer case Computer key board Mouse LCD monitor Fan DDR2 Cbu And anyother available products. ... 查看“电脑、软件-电脑用品及外设-鼠标、键盘”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- The records of the meetings of the Subcommittee on Currency Board Operations are also published within six weeks of each meeting. 货币发行委员会的会议记录亦于会议举行后六星期内发布。
- It is controlled by computer servo, motor-driven pole automatically standard key board input, test data can be memoryed and test report can be printed automatically and easy to operate. 本试验机采用计算机伺服控制系统,计算机控制操作的全过程,自动恒定加载,加载速度可调,丝杆采用电动升降;试验数据自动储存处理及试验报告自动打印,可以联网,而且操作简单。
- This system is composed of thermoelectrical coupling elements,and practical ananalog-digtal converter decode and display circuits,a key board and a store.It is a useful meas-uring,system. 该测试系统采用热电偶作为升温元件,由模数转换器、译码电路、显示电路、键盘、存贮器等构成一个具有一定实用价值的测试系统。
- The HKMA pursues a policy of transparency to ensure that the financial industry and the wider public are fully informed of the currency board operations. 金管局的政策力求高度透明,使金融界和广大市民能充分了解货币发行局的运作情况。
- The HKMA will further work towards identifying clearly that part of the Exchange Fund balance sheet showing Currency Board operations. 金管局将更进一步清楚显示外汇基金资产负债表中关于货币发行局运作的部分。
- Each Provisional District Board operated a meet-the-public scheme,under which residents could meet board members face-to-face to express their views on any district problems. 各临时区议会均推行会见市民计划,让居民约见区议员,就区内问题发表意见。