- Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971. 英国于1971年改行十进制货币体系。
- key currency system 基本货币制度
- The relative value of silver and gold in a currency system that is bimetallic. 金银比价金银复币位体制中金和银的相对比例
- The appearance of an electronic currency system implies the emergence of "virtual banks" and "virtual enterprises". 电子货币系统的出现必然又 会反过来导致“虚拟银行”和“虚拟企业”的出现。
- However, the unfairness of USD supremacy challenges the new structure of international currency system. 而美元霸权的种种不公平又为国际货币体系新格局的诞生提出挑战。
- The improvement in trade and industries of Formosa naturally made apparent the need of improved banking organs and an improved currency system. 在福尔摩沙的贸易和工业的改进过程中,对改良银行体系和货币系统的需求,必然地是非常明显的。
- With the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, International Money Currency System entered into the period of Jamaica System. 布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,国际货币制度进入所谓“牙买加体系”时代。
- The new financial system in Jiangxi gradually consummated since 1930s, then Jiangxi's currency system got unification at the same time. 1930年代以来,随着江西新式金融体系的完善和渗透,在金融转型的过程中也完成了江西货币的统一。
- As the first book of the monographic history of Tong Bao currency system, the book made considerable headway on the style of books of currency history. 作为迄今第一部通宝币制的专题通史,该书对货币史著之结构、体例和内涵等范式进行了深入探索和成功创新。
- He also said there was a need to “diversify” the global currency system, a tactful way of saying the dollar’s sway should diminish. 他还说,有必要对全球货币体系实行“多样化”,这是一种“美元主导体系应该瓦解”的委婉措辞。
- Aristoteles and Plutarcus first explicitly recorded Soloon's currency system reform, regarding currency units and conversion relations between them. 亚里斯多德和普鲁塔克最早明确记载了梭伦的币制改革及有关的货币单位及其换算关系。
- The new Bretton woods system's core is restrains US's US dollar to distribute at will, causes the international currency system to enter a multipolarization the time. 新布雷顿森林体系的核心就是约束美国的美元随意发行,使国际货币体系进入一个多极化的时代。
- The writer analyzes the trend and challenge of financial globalization, the coming of international regional currency system, and also the unfairness under the supremacy of USD. 笔者从三方面分析了金融全球化的趋势与挑战、国际区域货币体系的到来以及美元霸权格局下的不公平。
- Second, to promote the reform of international reserve currency system, Asian countries should, based on the Chiang Mai Initiative, explore the SDR as the Asian reserve currency. 第二,为了推动国际储备货币体系改革,亚洲国家应以清迈协议为基础,探索以特别提款权作为亚洲储备货币。
- When talking about the effects on the African Franc (African Franc) by the European Union's prepared implementation of a European common currency system, Englan expressed that, people do not need to worry for the Franc's future. 在谈到欧洲联盟准备实行的欧洲统一货币制对非洲法郎(非郎)的影响时,恩戈兰表示,人们不用对非郎的前途担忧。
- THE VALUE OF the yuan Thursday topped that of the Hong Kong dollar for the first time since Beijing overhauled its currency system in 1994, a milestone in mainland China's economic rise. 人民币兑美元汇率周四超过港元兑美元水平,这是自1994年中国政府改革汇率体系以来的第一次,它标志着中国大陆的经济实力已上升到一个新阶段。
- You may leave your key at the reception desk. 你可以把钥匙留在服务台。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。
- I have mislaid my key to the door. 我不知道把门钥匙放到哪里了。
- He's locked in and nobody knows where the key is. 他被锁在房间里,没有人知道钥匙在什么地方。