- Japan is a key market for European luxury brands. 日本是欧洲奢侈品牌的的一个重要市场。
- Japan re-emerges as key market; Vietnam is gaining steam. 日本重新成为一个重要的酒店市场;越南正在崛起为新的酒店市场。
- Target the key markets industries for growth. 为公司的壮大开拓重要销售市场。
- Develop key markets and key accounts. 关键市场和关键客户的开发;
- Worldwide key market leaders will share sagacious insights on the latest technologies in PCB materials and processing. 主要市场领导者将会就线路板材料及制程的最新技术发表具启发性的演说。
- TC101 aims to identify key market needs for electrostatic standardisation and test methods. TC101旨在确认静电标准和测试方法的关键市场需求。
- Hong Kong strikes us as key market because official statistics show that 20% of Hong Kong 's newlyweds are Hong Kong-mainland parings. 香港作为一个重点发展地区原因之一,是因为官方数据表明香港的新婚夫妇里有20%25的夫妇的另一半来自中国大陆。
- Company's sales network proliferates national the chief city, the stable dealer troop can push to fast company's product the national key market. 公司的销售网络遍布全国的主要城市,稳定的经销商队伍能快速将公司的产品推向全国重点市场。
- Most of the city's workers find employment in tourism and related industries, though the city also plays a key market role within the vibrant economic system of the Veneto region. 这个城市的大部分工人就业于旅游业及相关的行业,同时该城也在威尼托地区活跃的经济体系中起着主要的市场作用。
- Beca operates from three key market hubs: New Zealand, Australia and Singapore, and we have offices in 12 countries and strong alliances with some of the world's leading engineering businesses. 贝科的经营业务主要集中在新西兰,澳大利亚和新加坡三个市场,我们在全球12个国家都设有公司,并且我们同多家世界一流的工程咨询公司有很巩固的合作关系;
- Monitor the dynamic of KA retail markets and evaluate competitive activities and take counteractive measure, also able to feed back the key market information to HQ. 监测区域内主要客户市场动态,对竞争者活动进行分析、评估,并有系统地反馈到总部。
- Since then Mervyn Davies, his successor, has improved the bank's profitability in key markets. 已经改善了渣打在关键市场的盈利状况。
- Shall help the export enterprises to consolidate the traditional markets and key markets and to open up new markets. 帮助出口企业巩固传统市场和重点市场,开拓新兴市场。
- The history of commercial software can be written as a succession of epic battles for dominance of key markets. 商用软件的历史可以被书写为软件公司争相获取关键市场主导权的伟大史诗。
- Sales were slightly higher than expected, including in the key markets of Australia and India, International Data Corp. (IDC) said in a statement. IDC在声明中指,包括澳洲和印度这些关键市场,销售都比预期的稍高。
- By combining with HRH, Willis will be well positioned to accelerate growth through added strength in key markets and business lines. 通过这次合并,韦莱集团会通过在主导市场和商业模式上的优势更加充满激情地加速发展。
- First, key markets are not functioning because there's a lack of liquidity -- the grease necessary to keep the gears of our financial system turning. 第一,关键市场由于缺乏流动性而失去作用,流动性就是金融系统工具不断运行的必不可少的润滑剂。
- The key markets in the Middle East and Africa regions include Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa. 主要市场在中东和非洲地区包括巴林,科威特,阿曼,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯联合酋长国和南非。
- Objective of Job:Lead project management and production of key marketing events Lead project management and impl...... ... 公司名称:上海捷毅人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-11
- You may leave your key at the reception desk. 你可以把钥匙留在服务台。