- Pertaining to disk packs which are interchangeable on any drive. 用于修饰或说明在任何磁盘机上均可交换使用的磁盘组。
- Use the keyboard to type the channel number. 使用键盘键入频道号。
- And then use keyboard to knock up. 然后用键盘敲上来。
- We use a keyboard to input the data. 我们用键盘把数据输入电脑。
- Check "Save this Program to disk" and click "OK". 确认"把该程序保存到硬盘"点击"OK"
- We use the keyboard to type in information. 我们用键盘输入信息。
- Save the picture's sound property to disk. 将照片的声音属性存入磁盘。
- This attachment must be saved to disk. 必须将此附件保存到磁盘。
- Lower part of ovary adnate to disk;stigma expanded. 子房的下半部分贴生于花盘;
- You can save any image to disk by ctrl+clicking it. 左键点击一个图片,可以保存之。
- A full vector diffraction theory for optical disk system is described. 本文以完整的矢量衍射理论分析了光盘光学系统。
- Saving the request context to disk can be useful in debugging. 将请求上下文保存到磁盘在调试过程中会很有用。
- key to disk system 键盘磁盘输入系统
- You data goes straight from your keyboard to our system, and from there to be reviewed and analysed by our expert team of statisticians. 您的数据将直接由您的键盘传输至我们的系统,尔后我们的统计学专家对您的结果进行检查和分析。
- Press the Enter key on your keyboard to finalize the crop. 按下键盘上的enter键,完成剪切。
- It provided through your mouse and keyboard to access video files. 它提供了藉由你的鼠标和键盘来存取影像档案。
- This gives the grower a better chance to disk it under. 这给种植者以很好的机会将之耕翻。
- Key on the keyboard to control the direction routes. 用键盘上的方向键控制行走路线。
- The node has control over the shared disk system that contains the Exchange databases. 该节点对包含Exchange数据库的共享磁盘系统拥有控制权。
- HOOK keyboard to provide a free download, eat a keyboard message. 提供一个键盘HOOK免费下载;吃掉键盘消息.