- Mr. Yao delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony. 会上,姚子明作了重要讲话。
- In a keynote speech in Cairo, Mr Obama called for a "new beginning" in ties. 在开罗的一次会议发言中,奥巴马先生呼吁在美国与穆斯林世界之间“新的开始”。
- He also held discussions with Congressional leaders and gave a keynote speech at a luncheon hosted by the US Chamber of Commerce. 此外,他亦与国会领袖进行讨论,并在美国商会午宴上发表主题演讲。
- Apart from meeting business and community leaders,Mrs Chan gave a keynote speech on Hong Kong's transition. 除了会晤商界领袖及社会贤达外,陈女士还发表了一个有关香港过渡的主题演讲。
- Apart from meeting business and community leaders, Mrs Chan gave a keynote speech on Hong Kong's transition. 除了会晤商界领袖及社会贤达外,陈女士还发表了一个有关香港过渡的主题演讲。
- In 2004, he was the Democratic National Convention keynote speech has caused wide concern. 2004年,他在民主党全国代表大会上发表主题演讲后引起广泛关注。
- Keynote speech, by Hon. Judge Bebe Chu, Judge in charge of the Family Court of Hong Kong. 家事法庭主审法官朱佩茔法官主题演讲。
- At Millipore's 50th anniversary celebration in Puerto Rico, Mr.Sam delivered the keynote speech in Spanish. 在波多黎各举行的密理博公司成立50周年的庆祝活动中,山姆先生用西班牙语发表重要讲话。
- A Keynote speech is to outline the subjects to be addressed by other speakers at an event, and to establish the tone of a meeting or program. 基调发言也称主题演讲,目的就是限定一个集。
- Jimmy had been asked to give the keynote speech for the 2005 event, so it was important to get some presence on the floor as well. Jimmy被邀请在2005年的活动中发表主要讲话,因而他得到了一些重要的发言权。
- During the meeting, Dr. Brian G. Bedard delivered a keynote speech on the development of the Sustainable Agriculture Development Project in China. 会议其间,毕大德博士就中加可持续农业发展项目在中国的发展发表了主题报告。
- Hong Kong: The first day of the Expo featured two keynote speech sessions presented by distinguished OSH experts from around the world. 香港:大会首天有两个主题演讲,由世界各地极具份量的职安健专家主讲。
- In addition to the keynote speech topic and Ariel Sharon, this sculpture of the General Assembly will hold special exhibitions of their own. 除了主旨演讲和专题沙龙,本届雕塑大会还将举办各具特色的专题展览。
- Dr. Wu, Dean of institute of clinical medicine at national Yang-Ming University who is also the alumni of TMU gave a keynote speech. 北医杰出校友也是阳明大学临床医学研究所所长吴肇卿博士莅临致词。
- The picture shows Vice Premier Wu Yi attended an inter-governmental meeting of Great Tumen Initiative and delivered a keynote speech in 2005. 图为2005年,国务院副总理吴仪出席图们江合作政府间会议并发表重要讲话。
- On November 7th Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota's governor, gave the keynote speech at the Iowa Republicans' annual autumn dinner. 11月7日,明尼苏达州州长蒂姆-普兰提,在爱荷华举行的共和党人年度秋季晚宴上发表了带有政治基调性的演讲。
- Keynote speech is to outline the subjects to be addressed by other speakers at an event,and to establish the tone of a meeting or program. 基调发言也称主题演讲,目的限定一个集会上其他演讲者演讲的主题,奠定一个会议或活动的基调。基调发言也直接关系到确立大会的感情基调。
- Chinese President Jiang Zemin made a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Ministerial Conference Beijing 2000. 江泽民在开幕式上发表了题为《中非携手合作 共迎新的世纪》的主旨讲话。
- In a warm atmosphere, the keynote speeches in the morning ended successfully. 在热烈的气氛中,上午的主题报告会圆满结束。
- Delivering his keynote speech in the Conference, Professor Chen said creativity and adaptability will become increasingly important in face of the challenge of a Creative Economy. 陈坤耀教授于会议作主题演讲,表示面对创意经济的挑战,创造力及适应力将越来越重要。