- You are too young to kick the bucket. 你还年青,不会死的。
- I hear poor old John's kicked the bucket. 我听说可怜的约翰死了。
- Eventually, all of us will kick the bucket. 到头来,我们谁都难免一死。
- His heirs were greedily waitingfor him to kick the bucket. 他的继承人正眼巴巴地盼着他死呢。
- The alley cat kicked the bucket last night. 那只野猫昨夜踢了水桶)。
- His heirs were greedily waiting for him to kick the bucket. 他的那些继承人正贪婪地等他死。
- If he does not take care of himself, he may kick the bucket sooner or later. 如果他不爱惜自己的身体,迟早会玩儿完的。
- If he does not take care of himself, he may kick the bucket sooner than later. 假如他自己不多保重身体,迟早会翘辫子。
- The old man finally kicked the bucket at ninety five. 那老人最後在九十五岁时死去。
- Feeling lonely and desperate in life , the penniless old hermit hoped that he would kick the bucket in a peaceful way . 对生活感到孤独绝望,这位身无分文的老隐士希望以一种平和的方式了结一生。
- The murderer kicked the bucket last year. 这个杀人犯去年已一命呜呼了。
- Her mother kicked the bucket five years ago. 她母亲在5年前死去
- The worst situation for a person is when you kick the bucket you still have money in your pocket. Still worst, is when you... 人生最痛苦的事情是人死了钱还没用完。人生最最痛苦的事情是人活着呢,钱没了。
- In view of this, he leathers his feet instead. Now they're so light and hard that it seems to be no problem to kick the bucket out. 因此他改用两块厚实的皮把脚包住,这样不但轻便而且坚固,绝对可以把水桶踢得远远的。
- The poor old man has kicked the bucket form starvation. 那可怜的老人饿死了。
- The old man kicked the bucket while they were away from home. 老人在他们离家外出时去世了。
- All of my goldfish kicked the bucket while we were on vacation. 在我们外出度假的时候,所有的金鱼都翻白了。
- You mean he kicked the bucket in the middle of a battle? 你是说他在战斗中嗝屁?
- What's my cut under the table? He kicked the bucket. 他已经归天。原句
- Old Joe kicked the bucket just two days before his ninetieth birthday. 老乔刚好在他90岁寿辰前两天死了。