- Don't kick up a fuss about such trifles! 不要为这点小事就吵吵嚷嚷!
- Our baby kicked up a fuss in church. 我们的小家伙在教堂里(大哭起来)搅得一片混乱。
- My steak is a bit tough,but please don't kick up a fuss and call the waiter. 我的这块牛排有点老,但不必介意,不要把服务员叫来。
- She is the kind of person who will kick up a fuss about a very trivial matter. 她是那种为一点小事就会大吵大闹的人。
- If I refused to go to the theatre, my wife is sure to kick up a fuss. 如果我不去剧院,太太一定会大闹。
- If I were you,I wouldn't kick up a fuss over that decision. There's no chance of getting It changed not. 如果我是你,我就不会为那个决定大吵大闹。现在不可能改变了。
- The waiters were unnecessarily rude, but none of the customers would kick up a fuss about it. 服务员粗鲁得有点莫名其妙,但没有一位顾客为此而大吵大闹。
- Instead, the banks have taken on large, friendly, long-term shareholders who cannot easily kick up a fuss. 可是,银行选择了大型的、友好的、长期的股东,这些股东不会“兴风作浪”;
- I sincerely hope that all you guys will kick up a fuss while checking out my valuable and powerful point of view! 我衷心的希望当大家查看到我写的一些有价值、有权威度的观点的时候,能够无比的兴奋。
- Steve kicks up a fuss every time I even suggest seeing you. 每次只要我提议看望你,史蒂夫就大吵大闹。
- After the teacher told the students about the results of the exam,the class kicked up a fuss. 老师向学生宣布那次考试的结果以后,全班都哄动起来了。
- I don't see why you are kicking up such a fuss. 我不明白你为什么要这样小题大作。
- Mary kick up such a fuss when her husband returned home late. 玛丽的丈夫回家晚了, 她便大吵一
- Don't kick up a row about such trifle. 不要为小事去胡闹。
- The truck can kick up a lot of dust. 卡车激起很多灰尘。
- He is deliberately trying to kick up a row. 他这样说简直是在叫号。
- He kicked up such a fuss when his wife returned home late . 他妻子回家晚了,他便大吵大闹起来。
- Norway has not had any recent spats with China, and has plenty of oil of its own in the North Sea, so it was unlikely to kick up much of a fuss. 挪威跟中国近来没有冲突,而且在北海有着丰富的石油储藏,所以并不太可能在这件事情上大做文章。
- She kicked up such a fuss when her husband returned home late. 她丈夫回家晚了,她便大吵大闹起来。
- He is always kicking up a shine about a trifle. 他总是为一点小事大吵大闹。