- Some Issues on Crime of Kidnapping for Ransom 论绑架勒索罪的几个问题
- There is no agreement on the standard of accomplishment and unaccomplishment of crime of kidnaping for ransom in field of theory. 关于绑架勒赎犯罪的既遂与未遂标准 ,理论界并无一致看法。
- Lately in Lesotho, due to economic difficulties, there were a number of cases involving Chinese being kidnapped for ransom by Chinese gangsters. 由于经济不景,在赖索托王国马赛鲁市,最近有华人遭华人帮派份子绑架勒索。
- They held the travellers for ransom. 他们将旅客当作人质索取赎金。
- On How to Differentiate the Accomplishment and Unaccomplishment of Crime of Kidnapping for Ransom 怎样区分绑架勒赎犯罪的既遂与未遂
- The dam held the floodwaters. Thieves held the stolen painting for ransom. 水库控制着洪水。小偷用偷来的画索取赎金
- kidnapping for ransom 为勒索赎金而进行的绑架
- crime of kidnapping for ransom [法] 掳人勒赎罪
- The police caught the man who tried to abduct the boy for ransom. 警察抓住了那个企图拐走这男孩以便勒索赎金的家伙。
- To seize and detain unlawfully and usually for ransom. 绑架非法地通常为得赎金而劫持
- The police caught the terrorist who tried to abduct the girl for ransom. 警察抓住了那个企图拐走这女孩以便勒索赎金的恐怖分子。
- The dam held the floodwaters.Thieves held the stolen painting for ransom. 水库控制着洪水。小偷用偷来的画索取赎金
- These rebels are notorious for wantonly attacking villages in the southern part of Philippines and committing kidnapping of local and foreign tourists and businessmen for ransom. 这群叛乱分子以恣意攻击菲律宾南部村落以及绑架地方与外国观光客和商人勒索赎金,而恶名昭彰。
- It was indeed he who had organized Akkad and Iris抯 kidnapping for Cleopatra抯 brother. 为了克里奥帕特拉的兄弟,他组织绑架了阿卡德和艾里斯。
- Kidnapping is a kind of crime that severely endangers the society.With the development of economy, the case of kidnapping for extortion of money takes on some new characters. 绑架是一种严重危害社会的行为,随着经济的发展,以勒索财物为目的的绑架案件又出现了一些新特点。
- Canadian thieves calling themselves Grinch Enterprises kidnapped a Santa Claus figure off an Ontario family's front lawn and are holding the jolly icon for ransom on Wednesday. 12月18日,加拿大一伙自称是"圣诞怪盗格林奇"的小偷绑架了安大略湖一户人家前院草坪上的"圣诞老人",还拿这个象征快乐的肖像勒取赎金。
- Frank and Eddie then hatch an elaborate scheme to exhume the stripper, swipe the necklace, and hold her remains for ransom. 于是弗兰克和艾迪指定了一个周密的计划,挖出那个舞女,偷走项链,藏起她勒索赎金。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The stealing of a pet, such as a dog or cat, usually for sale to experimental laboratories or for ransom. 偷窃玩赏动物,偷盗宠物:偷窃宠物,如猫或狗,通常为贩卖给实验室或敲诈赎金
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?