- kilsyth basalt 次辉绿玄武岩
- Basalt is the commonest volcanic rock. 玄武岩是最普通的火山岩。
- A lot of copper deposits lie in the basalt. 期间分布铜矿床(点)多处。
- Basalt is needed to surface a road or to build a break water. 需要用玄武岩来铺设路面或修防洪堤。
- They are columnar basalt boulders on Nanding Island. 它们就是南碇岛上的玄武岩柱状节理。
- Basalt, basalt everywhere, and not a drop of water in sight. 玄武岩,到处都是玄武岩,视野中没有一滴水。
- Any of various hard,dark-colored rocks,especially basalt and chert. 暗色岩一种坚硬、暗色的岩石,尤指玄武石及燧石
- Her love was a fire playing ineffectually over a rock of basalt. 她的爱,如同一团火,徒劳地烧炼着一块玄武岩石。
- Is formed completely with columnar basalt formations. 全部由清一色的石柱状玄武岩组成。
- The canyon was a natural cutting through a mountain of basalt. 峡谷是一条横穿玄武岩山的天然断裂。
- The two most common types of igneous rocks are granite and basalt. 两种最普遍的火成岩是花岗岩和玄武岩。
- Widespread Emeishan basalt covers in western Guizhou area. 贵州中西部有大量的峨眉山玄武岩分布。
- Measured like that, each oxide forms about 10% of standard basalt. 经过测验,每一个氧化物中有大约10%25的玄武岩。
- No original relation was found between the xenoliths and the host basalt. 上述捕虏体均与寄主玄武岩无成因关系。
- Any of various hard, dark - colored rocks, especially basalt and chert. 暗色岩一种坚硬、暗色的岩石,尤指玄武石及燧石
- Any of various hard, dark-colored rocks, especially basalt and chert. 暗色岩一种坚硬、暗色的岩石,尤指玄武石及燧石
- Landslides are wide spread in the basalt platform in Zhejiang Province. 摘要浙江省玄武岩台地地质灾害十分发育。
- The researchers are now looking at volcanic basalt in a new project in Iceland. 研究人员现正着手于冰岛火山玄武岩的一个新项目的研究。
- Finally, one morning Omar led us up through the basalt ridges of the Messir Plateau. 终于在某天早晨,欧玛带我们走到了梅西尔高原的玄武岩山脊上。
- The pyroclastic rock fragments comprise quartzite, schist, gneiss, basalt, andesite, rhyolite and quartz. 火成岩的碎块成分主要为石英岩、岩、麻岩、武岩、山岩和流纹岩.