- What is kiwi fruit called in southeast Asia? 奇异果叫什麽在东南亚?
- I like eating ice-cream best. I love to drink kiwi fruit juice. 你最喜欢吃的食物是什么?您最喜欢喝的饮料是什么?
- Look at this happy girl proudly holding a kiwi fruit. 瞧这个快乐的女孩;很有自信地握著一颗奇异果.
- Peel kiwi fruit and cut into pieces, then press into puree, set aside. 把奇异果去皮,切成小块,再将之压成糊状待用。
- Kiwi Fruit Bath Salt can assist to peel off dead cells, soothe and relax tired spirit, bring good mood. 奇异果沐浴盐可帮助死皮脱落,安抚、放松疲劳的精神,带给你一整天的好心情。
- Ingredients: kiwi fruit extract, mineral salt, whitening factor, amino acid, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. 成份:本品含奇异果萃取精华,矿物盐,美白因子,氨基酸,维生素C、A、E。
- Then they ran a third trial, this time with volunteers who ate normal kiwi fruit. 于是他们又进行了第三次试验,第三次试验是让志愿者使用普通的猕猴桃。
- Tasting Notes: Fresh aromas of green fig, kiwi fruit and green pepper with a crisp, fruity palate. 口味:新鲜绿色植物的芳香、夹带着猕猴桃和鲜嫩青椒的果味情趣。
- A kiwi fruit flown from New Zealandto Britainemits five times its own weight in greenhouse gases. 一个从新西兰空运到英国的猕猴桃,导致的温室气体排放的重量比它本身的重量还要多。
- PQQ is found in fermented soybeans and also in parsley, green tea, green peppers and kiwi fruit. 发酵的大豆中发现有PQQ,欧芹、绿茶、青椒和猕猴桃中也有。
- Fresh strawberries and kiwi fruit shaken with gin and apple juice then crowned with Moet &Chandon brut champagne. 琴酒与新鲜草莓和奇异果缀以些许香槟。
- The importance of brewing kiwi fruit wine by fermentating kiwi fruit was discussed in this paper. 论述了以猕猴桃为原料进行发酵酿酒的意义,介绍了猕猴桃酒的生产工艺及其关键技术问题。
- According to the determination, the kiwi fruit very many contains vitamin C specially to have the nutrition. 据测定,猕猴桃含维生素C很多特别有营养。
- When Kiwi fruit pulp was diluted, its thick tented 10% pulp behave as a Newtonian fluid. 此结果可为猕猴桃加工和猕猴桃果汁的生产参考。
- Kiwi fruit naturally contains enzymes which further help the proteins to break down so that you can get to the DNA. 奇异果本身蕴含酵素,让蛋白质层更容易被分解,你才能取得DNA。
- The micro encapsulation of kiwi fruit seed oil with supercritical CO2 extraction was studied. 摘要以超临界CO2萃取猕猴桃籽油并对其进行微胶囊化研究。
- Another hot pan with butter, add in kiwi fruits? cook till it turn sticky. ( 4 )另外一个热锅加入牛油;放入奇异果煎到微焦.
- Mrs Li: We're not chasing kiwi fruit you idiot, he means it's a popular New Zealand activity. Kiwi is a term for New Zealand people. 我们不是在取笑猕猴桃你这白痴,他指的是一种流行的新西兰活动。Kiwi是新西兰人的一种。
- The optimization research is given on the technological conditions of preserved kiwi fruit, such as peeling, color and luster protection and drying. 摘要对猕猴桃果脯生产过程中的去皮、护色、干燥等工艺条件进行了研究。
- All in one, a crusty tart base filled with milk custard, fresh strawberry, kiwi fruit and sliced peach for a full tasted morsel. 本店最具风味的水果塔,它结合了各式水果的精华其营养价值高。一次满足你的味觉!