- She knocked the bottom out of our argument. 她把我们的论点驳得体无完肤。
- Knock the bottom out of this box, please. 请将这箱子的底打下来。
- He knocked the bottom out of box. 他把箱底打掉了。
- What you say knocks the bottom out of his attempt to deceive us. 你说的话把他的骗人把戏拆穿了。
- His theory seemed to knock the bottom out of the existing hypothesis. 他的理论似乎推翻了原有的假设。
- This day's news has knocked the bottom out of my life. 今天的消息完全打乱了我的生活。
- The bad news knocked the bottom out of market prices. 那个坏消息使整个市场价格混乱不堪。
- Now that Hsuchow has fallen and Wuhan is in danger,it will not be unprofitable,I think,to knock the bottom out of the theory of national subjugation. 当此徐州失守武汉紧张的时候,给这种亡国论痛驳一驳,我想不是无益的。
- Now that Hsuchow has fallen and Wuhan is in danger, it will not be unprofitable, I think, to knock the bottom out of the theory of national subjugation. 当此徐州失守武汉紧张的时候,给这种亡国论痛驳一驳,我想不是无益的。
- His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument. 他精辟的评论驳倒了我的论点。
- Your objection knocked the bottom out of my original plan. 你的反对意见破坏了我原来的计划。
- They all stand up to debat him,and knocked the bottom out of him. 他们纷纷起来发言,把他驳得体无完肤。
- This knocked the bottom out of the logical structure of the theory. 这打破了理论逻辑结构的底限。
- He knocked the bottom out of the rumours by explaining how matters stood. 他说明了真实的情况,驳斥了谣言。
- This sudden cold spell has knocked the bottom out of the market for seasonal items like ice cream and suntan oil. 突来的寒流使得一些季节性商品如冰淇淋和防晒箱等的销售锐减。
- knock the bottom out of the theory 证明这个学说无价值
- knock the bottom out of an argument 推翻一种论点, 证明一
- When the next speaker produced all those facts,he knocked the bottom out of my argument. 第二个发言人举出所有那些事实后,就把我的论据驳倒了。
- It knocked the bottom out of the coffee market,ie caused the price of coffee to fall sharply. 这一来咖啡的市场价格暴跌。
- This immediately knocks the bottom out of the enemy's slander that "the Communist bandits kill everyone on sight". 这样就把敌人所谓“共匪见人就杀”的欺骗,立即打破。