- An access point for the clustering service. 为群集服务提供的访问点。
- Starting the Cluster service Disk driver. 正在启动群集服务磁盘驱动程序。
- The quorum disk could not be located by the cluster service. 群集服务找不到仲裁磁盘。
- Cluster service node initialization failed with error %1. 群集服务节点初始化出了故障,错误为%251。
- Cluster service successfully joined the server cluster %1. 群集服务成功地加入了服务器群集%251。
- Cluster service was terminated as requested by Node %2. 按节点%252的要求,群集服务被终止。
- The membership engine requested shutdown of the cluster service on this node. 成员身份引擎申请关闭该节点上的群集服务。
- An error occurred attempting to configure the cluster service account rights. 试图配置群集服务帐户权利时出错。
- The effect of regional knowledge cluster and its relationship with regional inno vative capability have captured the attention of researcher gradually. 区域知识集聚效应及其与区域创新能力的关系问题,在创新研究领域正日益受到人们的普遍关注。
- An error occurred attempting to enumerate dependencies on the cluster service. 枚举群集服务依存关系时,出现了一个错误.
- First, the Cluster service monitors the servers that belong to a cluster. 第一,群集服务监视属于群集的服务器。
- It detects crashes of the Cluster service and shuts down the resources. 它检测群集服务的崩溃,并关闭资源。
- What Cluster service requirements must be met by a geographically dispersed clustering solution? 分散在不同地理位置的群集解决方案,必须满足群集服务的要求是什么?
- A problem occurred when the wizard attempted to validate the cluster service account. 向导试图验证群集服务帐户时发生错误。
- Cluster service could not be installed. You must reboot before running setup again. 无法安装群集服务。再次运行安装程序之前,必须重新启动。
- Cluster service can use private networks for cluster status signals and cluster management. This provides more security than using a public network. 群集服务可以使用专用网络传输群集状态信号和进行群集管理。这比用公用网络更安全。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Loading the resource DLLs in a process separate from the Cluster service process helps to isolate faults. 在与群集服务进程分隔的进程中加载资源DLL将有助于隔离故障。
- A transient communication problem occurred when interacting with the Cluster service. 与群集服务进行交互时出现瞬时通信问题。
- Before installing failover clustering, you must ensure that your system meets minimum requirements, and configure the Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS). 在安装故障转移群集之前,必须确保系统满足最低要求并配置Microsoft群集服务(MSCS)。