- The port of Alexandria was a crossroads of most of the known world, a meeting point of peoples. 亚历山大成了通向世界各地的十字路口,汇聚了来自世界各国的人民。
- He was able to produce a geography book containing an atlas of maps of the known world. 他编写了一部地理书,书中绘制了一套当时世界的地图册。
- Pam: You may be right, but I can't think what they might be. Rome controlled the entire known world. 宝宝:你说的可能有道理,但我便不认为是这样。尽管古罗马帝国曾征服整个世界。
- These customs transcended the borders of Rome and Germany to the far reaches of the known world. 这些习俗早已超越罗马和德国的边界,到达一个未知的世界。
- You are mistress of the known world and yet you cry because you can't see the damnable water? 你是这整个世界的女主人,然而你却因为看不到那该死的海水而哭泣?
- Mercenary arbalest units are popular throughout the known world as they provide ranged punch for those that need it. 唯利是图的弩手单位是十分普遍,因为他们只需要潘趣酒(一种用酒,果汁,香料等调和的饮料)作报酬。
- Several species of birds, reptiles and animals exist here that cannot exist elsewhere in the known world. 鸟类,爬行动物和动物物种存在的若干这里不能存在于已知世界其他地方。
- Through his conquests, Hellenic culture spread throughout the known world and had a lasting impact on the development of modern civilization. 在领土扩张的征程中,亚力山大将希腊文化传播至他所触及的世界的各个角落,深远地影响了现代文明的发展。
- Testing protein, moisture and ash contents etc in wheat flour with a near-infrared reflectometer has become a standard method known world widely. 近红外检测小麦面粉中的蛋白质、水分和灰分等成分已成为国际公认的标准检测方法。
- "Canoeing across the Okefenokee is to travel far back in biologic time to a world of plants and animals that seems disconnected from the known world. 划着独木舟穿行于奥克弗诺基水上花园就像是沿着时间回到了之前的世界,这里的植物与动物仿佛都与我们所熟知的世界不同。
- With renewed strength, the heroes of the Horde and Alliance have begun to explore new lands and broken through the Dark Portal to investigate the realms beyond the known world. 由于力量的日渐增强,部落和联盟的英雄开始探索新的地域,而且穿越了黑暗之门去调查未知的领域。
- As capital of the empire, Rome was considered the center of the known world, but the city declined when Constantine transferred his capital to Byzantium (323). 罗马作为帝国的首都,被认为是世界的中心,当康斯坦丁把国都迁往拜占庭后(323年),罗马衰落了。
- As a result of which, the known world is rent asunder, children in schools scratch their heads in puzzlement and all the text books must now be re-written. 当知道了世界杯粉碎的结局,学校里的小孩子们都搔头皮表示迷惑,所有的课本都将重写。
- The new bulletin news scientist recently outward announced that they have discovered until now in the known world the earliest dog's cranium fossil (the figure above). 新快报讯科学家近日对外宣布,他们发现了迄今已知的世界上最早的狗的头盖骨化石(上图)。
- He professed to know nothing about the matter. 他声称对此事一无所知。
- But she left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and she inflamed me with a curiosity which has never left. 然而她在我们心中留下的,是对纯粹的可知世界的强烈兴趣,她为我点燃的好奇求知的热情从未消失。
- How in the world do you expect me to know him? 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢?
- When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。
- But she left us a passion for the pure knowable world and she filled me with a curiosity which has never left. 然而她在我们心中留下的,是对纯粹的可知世界的强烈兴趣,她为我点燃的好奇求知的热情从未消失。
- We are likely to build an increasingly artificial, and hence increasingly knowable world. 有两种局限性制约着预测能力的发展。