- There are three tins of pork on the table. 桌子上有三听猪肉。
- The special of the day is a roast of pork. 当天的风味菜是烤猪肉。
- Can I offer you another helping of pork sausage? 我再给你一份猪肉香肠好吗?
- knuckle of pork 猪蹄
- There is three tins of pork on the table. 桌子上有三听猪肉。
- Can I offer you another helping of pork sausage ? 我再给我一份猪肉香肠好吗?
- knuckle of pork in soy sauce 酱肘子
- It is possible to buy lean(er) cuts of pork! 精益是可以买到(俄)削减猪肉!
- Just place the slices of pork on the plate. 就像这样把肉一块一块地摆到盘子里。
- The flavour of pork from any traditional breed eg. 传统的猪种的猪肉味美。
- Can I coffer you another helping of pork sausage? 再来一份猪肉香肠吧。
- Slice me half a kilogram of pork. 给我切一斤猪肉.
- Last night I ate two kilos of pork liver. 我昨天晚上吃了两斤沙肝儿。
- He served a braised knuckle of lamb for the main course. 他端上了一盘炖熟的羊膝作为主菜。
- Pan,C.And J.Kinsey.The Supply Chain Of Pork:U.S.and China. 卢凤君;孙世民;叶剑.;高档猪肉供应链中加工企业和养猪场的行为研究[J]
- A shoulder of pork from which most of the butt has been removed. 肩肉火腿已剔除大部分厚皮的猪肉肩膀
- Influence of harvest processes of pork loin and ham quality. 猪腰的加工过程对火腿质量的影响。
- In this paper,an extrusion-forging process for a knuckle of Benz heavy truck is introduced,which includes four steps: Upsetting,extrusion,pre-forging and forging. 奔驰重型卡车的转向节挤压锻造工艺,分为镦粗、挤压、预锻和终锻4个工步。
- Then how about sweet and sour tenderloin? Is it made of pork? 那糖醋里脊呢?是猪肉做出来的。
- At 6pm, I gorged myself on some rather fatty belly of pork. 在早上6点,我吃了一些比较肥的猪肉。