- labial dyslalia 唇性构语困难
- Labial color is darker, nigrescent reason? 嘴唇颜色比较暗,发黑的原因?
- Labial ministry: Daub of pink lip colour can. 唇部:粉色唇彩涂抹即可。
- Why to eat mango to you can cause labial allergy? 吃芒果为什么会引发嘴唇过敏?
- This cause of labial fenestration is very rare. 根管过度充填造成黏膜开窗,尚无文献报告。
- After tying labial hole, grow to be able to leave a mark. 扎了唇洞后,长起来会留痕迹吗。
- Does laser take off labial wool what is best? How many money? 激光脱唇毛什么最好?多少钱?
- The incisors inclined extremely to the labial side and the lower lip was thi... 切牙过度唇倾,下唇较厚,颏厚小于正常值,颏部特征不明显,中面部相对突出。
- Since our language has lingual diversity, he got a labial stomatitis. 因为我们的语言有多样性,他得了唇状的口腔炎。
- Students with mental retardation were the most frequent, followed by students with dyslalia, then autism, and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. 结果发现学生的疾病种类以智障最多,共64名:构音困难22名,自闭症12名,过动症12名,听障9名,脑性麻痹4名,唐氏症4名,其他诊断26名。
- Objective Using PAHG to repair vermilion, labial depression, lip defect and leptolips, to try new ways of lip repairs. 目的 应用聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶 (PAHG)整复唇红、唇部凹陷、唇珠缺损、薄唇 ,探索唇部整复新方法。
- The results showed that there was only single type of sensilla on the tips of maxillary palpi, labial palpi. 结果发现,在柳蓝叶甲下鄂须、下唇须和前足跗节上都只有单一感器存在。
- Unlike other molluscs, bivalves lack a radula and feature labial palps, which carry food from the gills to the mouth. 与其他软体动物不同的是;双壳贝缺乏齿舌;具有唇瓣;可将食物由鳃送到口部.
- Results 22 cases was completely successful with releasing cross bite and normal overbite of labial teeth. 结果完成的22例全部成功,患者反牙合解除,前牙覆盖正常。
- The labial access opening to front teeth in a certain situation is suggested for endodontie treatment of front teeth. 对于前牙牙颈部龋/楔缺所致牙髓炎病例,可以采用唇面开髓入口。
- The labial colour of white dress and rosaceous department matchs one case, appear very childlike. 白色服装与蔷薇色系的唇彩搭配一起,显得非常天真烂漫。
- Labial ministry Use wine lipstick for many times scumble, but outline must clear. 唇部使用暗红色唇膏多次薄涂,但轮廓一定要清楚。
- D. catalinae had more sensory sensilla on the maxillary palpus than that on the labial palpus. 下颚须上感受器的数量均远远多于下唇须上感受器的数量。
- The presence of labial fusion may induce urinary tract symptoms which are overlooked without meticulous inspection. 摘要阴唇黏连所引起的尿路徵候由于没有仔细的检查常常被忽略掉了。