- So , I think the most urgent task now is to defuse the labor force surplus crisis , and not to consider extending working times . 因此,我觉得,我们目前迫切的任务是怎样化解劳动力过剩的问题,而不是去考虑延长人们工作年限的问题。
- It makes sense to enhance training surplus labor force. 加强对农村剩余劳动力的培训意义重大。
- The farm labor force is running down steadily. 农业劳动力正在不断减少。
- labor force surplus 劳动人口过剩
- The development of the rural service economy is the process of transferring rural surplus labor force. 农村劳务经济的发展过程就是农村富余劳动力的转移过程。
- The surplus labor force in China's rural areas has reached 120 million,and by the year 2000 the rural surplus labor force will exceed the 200 million. 中国农村剩余劳动力已经达到1.;2亿人,到2000年,农村剩余劳动力将超过2亿。
- The surplus labor force in China's rural areas has reached 120 million, and by the year 2000 the rural surplus labor force will exceed the 200 million. 中国农村剩余劳动力已经达到1.;2亿人,到2000年,农村剩余劳动力将超过2亿。
- Floating-children are special groups emerge with speeding up the urbanization process and the transfer of rural surplus labor force. 摘要流动儿童是随着城市化进程加快、农村剩余劳动力转移而出现的特殊群体。
- When the policy comes into existence, the government should reference the transfer behaviors of allochthonous non-return rural surplus labor force. 政府出台的各种政策应当参考异地转移劳动力的转移行为。
- Chapter eighth put emphasis on controlling population growth, prevent surplus rural labor force's scale from expanding further fundamentally. 第八章则强调控制人口增长,从根本上防止农村剩余劳动力规模进一步扩大。
- How to solve the outlet problem for the surplus rural labor force is a difficult problem of great challenge that faces China's modernization drive. 摘要解决农村剩余劳动力的出路问题,是中国现代化进程中面临的一个极富挑战性的难题。
- Subject:The countryside surplus labor force shift relates our country economy the whole development and society's stability. 摘要:农村剩余劳动力的转移关系到我国经济的整体发展和社会的稳定。
- The actual labor force numbered 12 000. 实际劳动力有一万二千。
- How to realize transfer of rural surplus labor force will directly influence the development of northeast area and the step of building of a well-off society. 如何实现农村剩余劳动力的转移 ,直接影响东北地区的经济发展以及全面建设小康社会的步伐。
- This proved to be market prosperity, solving the employment, reemployment, social security and the promotion of the transfer of surplus labor force fundamental measures. 事实证明,这是市场繁荣,解决就业、再就业、剩余劳动力转移和促进社会保障的根本性措施。
- With the constant quickening of the urbanization process of our country, the surplus rural labor force will shift to the city massively, and the team will be huger and huger. 随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,农村剩余劳动力将会大规模地向城市转移,并且队伍会越来越庞大。
- Deviate from Lewis" "rural surplus labor can provide unlimitedly" theory, the paper analyses and explains the opposite "short of labor force" phenomenon. 同时对新出现的“农村剩余劳动力可以无限供给”这一刘易斯理论基本假设相背离的“民工荒”问题进行了分析和阐述。
- This article has researched production function of Chinese 28 provinces, and validated the fact that labor force in most of Chinese areas is strictly surplus. 并在空间层面上研究了中国28个省份的生产函数性质,验证了劳动力在中国大部分地区存在严重过剩的事实;
- China should accept the experience of overseas agricultural surplus labor force shift and be foresighted when they are making the policy on agricultural labor force shift. 对国外农业劳动力转移的成功经验应予借鉴,教训应予吸取,使政策具有一定的前瞻性。
- Todaro considered the unemployment of the city to the discussion of the transfer of surplus agricultural labor force, which accorded with the reality even more. 托达罗对农业剩余劳动力转移的探讨考虑了城市的失业,对现实更具解释意义。