- Application = Relevancy of International Labor Standards. 应用=国际劳动标准的相关性。
- The Department of Labor enforces the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 劳工部实施了公平劳工标准法。
- The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require or address the issue of merit pay. 公平劳动标准法案对此并无规定。
- Employees whose positions are covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Note: Check with your HR manager for applicability. 其职位受联邦公正劳动法案管辖的员工。注意:同你的人事经理核实其适用性。
- Active efforts shall be made to formulate and revise the state's basic labor standards, and a labor standard system suitable to China's actual conditions be perfected. 积极开展国家基本劳动标准的制订修订工作,完善适合中国国情的劳动标准体系。
- Laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, mandated worker protections, including the maximun 8-hour workday and 40-hour workweek. 1938年颁布的公平工作标准法,保护了工人的权益,内容包括每天工作时间不能超过8小时,每周工作时间不能超过40小时。
- The realization of "Core Labor Standard" has to recur to the Constitutional fundamental rights. 要实现“核心劳工标准”必须借助我国宪法中的权利内容。
- Active efforts shall be made to formulate and revise the state's basic labor standards,and a labor standard system suitable to China's actual conditions be perfected. 积极开展国家基本劳动标准的制订修订工作,完善适合中国国情的劳动标准体系。
- President Clinton supports the North American Free Trade Agreement, but is interested in negotiating supplemental agreements on environmental issues and labor standards. 克林顿总统支持北美自由贸易协议、但他同时对谈判关于环境和劳动标准问题的补充协议也感兴趣。
- In a classic 1944 case, the Court examined the deference due to interpretations of the Administrator of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Skidmore v. Swift & Co., 323 U.S. 134 (1944). 在一个典型的1944年的案子里,法院过问检查了因《公平劳动标准法》的行政官员所作的解释而牵扯的尊重问题(参见"斯基默诉斯威夫特公司"案,载于《美国最高法院判例汇编》第323卷,第134页(1944)]。
- The federal minimum wage for covered, nonexempt employees is $5.15 per hour.The federal minimum wage provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 联邦政府规定的最低工资(除非有规定可以免除不受限制)是每小时5.;15美元,这一规定是在公平劳动标准法案里的。
- It has been proved that international labor standards cannot be effectively enforced only by means of voluntary ratification of conventions by ILO members. 现实已经证明,仅靠自愿批准国际劳工公约是不足以有效地实施国际劳工标准的。
- After China's accession into WTO, the issue of labor standards is inevitably getting more and more internationalized just like those of other economic and social aspects. 中国“入世”后,其劳动标准问题与其他经济和社会领域中的问题一样,不可避免地越来越带有国际化的色彩。
- Secondly, gives economic analysis of labor standard law, discusses their market effects of minimum wage law and occupational safety and health law. 其次对劳动基准法进行经济分析,剖析了最低工资法与职业安全和健康法的市场效应;
- At best, forcing developing countries to adhere to our labor standards would create a privileged labor aristocracy, leaving the poor majority no better off. "硬要开发中国家接受我们(美国)的劳动标准,顶多只创造出一群享有特殊利益的劳工贵族,无法改善广大穷人的处境。"
- By maintaining harmonious and stable labor relations and reforming the wage and income distribution system, the government has improved the labor standards system step by step, and helped to basically establish a new type of labor relations. 致力于维护和谐稳定的劳动关系,改革工资收入分配制度,逐步完善劳动标准体系,使新型劳动关系基本形成;
- The Chinese government attaches great importance to rationally determining,legally promulgating and timely adjusting labor standards to guarantee the lawful rights and interests of workers and promote economic and social development. 中国政府重视合理确定、依法公布、适时调整劳动标准,保障劳动者合法权益,促进经济和社会发展。
- By maintaining harmonious and stable labor relations and reforming the wage and income distribution system,the government has improved the labor standards system step by step,and helped to basically establish a new type of labor relations. 致力于维护和谐稳定的劳动关系,改革工资收入分配制度,逐步完善劳动标准体系,使新型劳动关系基本形成。
- China values the experience of other countries in formulating and implementing labor standards and,in time,will accede to relevant international labor conventions in line with the actual conditions of its economic and social development. 中国重视国际社会关于制订和实施劳动标准的经验,并结合本国经济和社会发展的实际,适时加入有关国际劳工公约。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。