- labour contract law of PRC 中华人民共和国劳动合同法
- The Contract Law of PRC was enacted and implement by the second meeting of the Nineth National People's Congress on 15th March 1999. 中华人民共和国合同法是1999年3月15日第九届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过并公布实施的。
- The Contract Law of PRC was enacted and issued by the Second Seesion of the Nineth National People's Congress on 15th March 1999. 中华人民共和国合同法是1999年3月15日第九届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过并公布实施的。
- This essay,according to the Labour Contract Law(a draft),discusses the merits of and problems in the contract workers sending. 存在的问题是就业稳定性差、非法派遣问题突出、派遣劳动者与正职劳动者待遇不公平、雇主责任不明、劳动者权益缺乏保护。
- The new labour contract law passed by the Chinese government recently offers more adequate labour protections to Chinese employees. 中国政府近期通过的新劳工合同法为中国雇员提供了更为充足的劳工保护。
- Study the system of the labour contract, there is important facilitation in completion and development of the contract law to working. 研究劳动合同制度,对劳动合同法的完善和发展有着重要的促进作用。
- Nike also implied that China's existing labour protection regime, although boosted by this year's implementation of a new labour contract law, falls short of standards set by the ILO. 耐克还暗示,尽管今年中国开始施行新的劳动合同法,但中国现有劳动保护机制仍落后于国际劳工组织所设定标准。
- The new contract Law of China adopted it to a certain degree. 我国新合同法在一定程度上采用了该制度。
- Any official operation and activities of guard will be governed by and constructed in accordance with the national law of PRC. 第一条:保安员所有执勤行动及工作必须认真遵守国家的法律、法规;
- Subject to XX consulting local counsel to determine what effect would be in their rights and obligations, the choice of law would be the law of PRC. 如果XX为了确定(这)会对其权益和责任产生什么样影响而咨询当地法律顾问,那么,所选择的法律就是中华人民共和国的法律。
- Owing to the deficiency of the stipulations formulated by Civil Procedural Law of PRC, there are many problems which are found in judical practice. 现行法律及司法解释规定了一些优先债权及受偿原则,在一定程度上,可以解决执行实务中多名债权人之间存在的权利冲突问题,体现了一定的公平与效率。
- The Civil Servant Law of PRC stipulates that the civil servant who executes an obvious illegal decision or command, can't be exempted from responsibility. 摘要我国公务员法规定,公务员执行明显违法的决定或者命令的,不得免责。
- Meanwhile, the author also studies the NVOCC operating from the international shipping convention, USA law and the related laws of PRC. 同时,又从三个角度即国际航运惯例、美国及我国相关法律规定就无船承运业务范围进行讨论。
- The application and the nature of promissory estoppel is somewhat different in the contract law of the U.S. and U. 英美两国契约法对“允诺禁反言”原则的适用不一样,对其法律性质的定位也不一样。
- Corporative JV is a legal person of PRC provided it is in accordance with the provisions of related laws of PRC. 合作企业符合中国法律关于法人条件的规定的,依法取得中国法人资格。
- The doctrine of unconscionability in American contract law originates from law of equity. 在美国合同法上的显失公平原则发源于衡平法,其根本目的是为了维护合同公正。
- Contract law of China, a type of derivative law, is a legislation model of mixed derivativeness. 中国合同法属于继受类型,并且是混合继受的典型立法范例。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- Who discovered the Law of Gravitation? 谁发现了引力定律?
- On the Development and Evolution of Contract Law. 浅析古代、近代、现代合同法的发展与演变。