- With knowledge on labour law and related policy. 熟悉劳动法和相关政策。
- The theory and practice of labour law II. 劳动法理论与实务2。
- With luck EU labour law will stop Mr Blatter and keep it that way. 幸好,欧盟的劳动法案会阻止巴特勒,让英超联赛保持现状。
- Keep a good relationship with relative authority to update the PRC labour law and policy. 与政府相关部门保持良好的关系,确保信息渠道的畅通,掌握最新劳动人事政策。
- Labour laws in our country were issued and implemented in 1994. 我国的《劳动法》是在1994年颁布实施的。
- At the early stage after the Ole Wolff was established in Yantai and during the labour dispute, the company did violate the Labour Law. 烟台澳利威建立之后的早期阶段以及在劳动争议的早期阶段,公司的确违反了劳动法。
- Chen Lian, director of the ministry's supervision bureau, said that only the Labour Law currently regulates social security funds to any extent. 劳动及社会保障部监督局主任陈莲表示;目前只有劳动法能对社会保障基金起到一定程度的监管作用.
- The Labour Department administers labour laws in force in the HKSAR. 劳工处负责执行香港特别行政区的劳工法例。
- Tampering with the labour law is meaningless if it means Hong Kong as a whole reduces its competitiveness. In the end, Hong Kong will lose investments and jobs. 每个工种都有不同要求,也是个人的选择。加上太多限制会减低香港的竞争力。
- He said that apart from the role of the labour inspectorate to ensure compliance with labour law, his department has made it a condition of grant aid for all applicants under the NDP horticulture producers programme. 他说除了要发挥劳动监察部门的作用来保证人们遵守劳动法,他的部门也把这个作为批准所有申请NDP园艺生产者项目的一个条件。
- XII. Those not included in the contract or the terms of the contract run counter to the regulations of the labour laws and regulations, the current law shall previle. 十二、本合同未尽事宜或合同条款与现行劳动法律法规规定有出入的,按现行劳动法律法规执行。
- Director of the labour law committee under the All China Lawyers Association Jiang Junlu said the lack of related laws and regulations was at the root of all discriminations. 全国律师协会劳动法委员会主任姜俊禄说,法律法规的不健全是这些歧视存在的根源。
- Overheads also mounted in pace with tightened labour laws in China and customer demands in code of conduct. 中国收紧了劳工法例,加上客户更趋严谨的行为守则,亦令经营开支增加。
- India retains rigid labour laws that make it almost impossible to fire an employee or to hire contract labour. 印度保留了其严格的劳动法,这使它几乎不可能解雇员工或雇佣合同工。
- Over the past decade, companies have relocated production to countries with lower wages and less rigid labour laws. 在过去十年中,一些公司已把生产迁到薪资更低且劳动法规更为宽松的国家。
- Like Spain, Germany has labour laws that make it costly to shed tenured workers. 同西班牙一样,德国也有劳动者法律规定辞退临时工要付出巨大代价。
- Others are deferring investments until promised new mining, tax and labour laws are passed. 其他一些正在推迟投资,直到已得到承诺的新采矿,税收,劳工法律被通过。
- India needs to reform its absurdly restrictive labour laws which hold back the expansion of manufacturing particularly. 译者按)对制造业规模扩大的制约作用尤为突出。
- There is one export processing zone, the Muara Export Zone, where labour laws apply in full. 只有在穆阿拉加工出口区的劳工才得充分适用劳动法。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。