- The Lack of Credibility in The Credit Relationship 信贷关系中信用缺失分析
- An economic perspective on the lack of credibility in lottery industry 彩票业诚信缺失的经济学思考
- Analysis of the Lack of Credibility in the Society and Consideration of Its Cause and Countermeasures 我国社会信用体系缺失的现象、成因和对策探析
- Top lack of credibility in 不可信,缺乏凭证
- lack of credibility in 不可信,缺乏凭证
- A judicial system can suffer no greater lack of credibility than a perception that its order can be flouted with impunity. 藐视法院命令无罪的想法,对司法威信伤害无与伦比。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- However, we have seen, due to the lack of credibility and trust, let us pay the price is shocking. 然而,我们看到了,由于诚信和信任的缺失,让我们为此付出的代价是触目惊心的。
- The thesis followed, from the philosophical angle, tries to probe the root of lack of credibility and then put forward some countermeasures to the issue. 文章从哲学视角对大学生诚信缺失现状的根源进行了探讨并提出了一些对策。
- Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal. 因证据不足而宣判他们无罪。
- His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience. 他工作中的困难是由于缺乏经验而引起的。
- A blog that looks like it was put together by someone’s nephew in their basement or uses a free template will give off the impression of being unprofessional, lack of credibility, and sketchy. 如果一个博客看上去像是由某个人的侄子在地下室拼凑出来的,或是套用免费模版做出来的,那它就会给人留下不专业、缺乏可信度以及粗略的印象。
- There is lack of uniformity in the annual reports. 这几份年度报告缺乏一致性。
- The lack of air in the room made everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- Lack of education was a liability in getting a job. 缺少教育对找工作不利。
- The model presented here is proved to overcome the problem of credibility in costly state verification(CSV) model and some related research in the theory of incentive. 而这种基于博弈论的契约可以克服有成本的状态验证模型(CSV)及经典激励理论中承诺的可信性问题。
- He was dismayed at his lack of understanding. 他对自已的无知感到沮丧。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- If the time to pre-empt that question, then, not only would make it too awkward, and as a result of too much emphasis on their political stance, the loss of credibility in the international press. 如果在提问的时候越俎代庖,那么,不仅会显得过于突兀,而且会由于过分强调自己的政治立场,在国际新闻界失去公信力。
- Lack of fund can be a drawback if you wanted to invest in a sure thing. 如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金短缺会是个障碍。