- lambing down of corn 羔羊自行采食玉米
- There was an abundance of corn last year. 去年玉米丰收。
- The yield of corn is down compared with last year. 农作物产量跟去年相比下降了。
- He flopped down a sack of corn . 他把一口袋玉米笨拙地抛在地上。
- Keep down of you'll be hit by shell fragments. 别起来,否则你会被弹片击中的。
- In between the rows of corn there was a scarecrow. 在玉米行中间有一稻草人。
- In August there was a big supply of corn and the price touch bottom. 八月份市场上玉米大量供应,价格降到最低点。
- As a choice of vegetables,we have peas of corn. 我们有豌豆和玉米两种蔬菜供您选择。
- A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck. 这条被子是用绒鸭毛做芯子的。
- We eat the grains of corn and rice. 我们吃小麦和大米。
- The economy was turning down of its own accord. 经济在自动滑坡。
- They are hoeing the fields of corn. 他们正在锄玉米地。
- There was a sack of corn in the corner of the barn. 在谷仓的墙角处有一袋玉米。
- Tracking down of up to 2 ground-based targets. 同时跟踪2个地面目标。
- Crows all but destroyed a farmer's field of corn. 乌鸦几乎把农夫田里的王蜀黍都吃光了。
- A dearth of corn caused the prices to go up. 谷物匮乏造成价格上涨。
- Keep down of you'll bang your head on the bridge! 你的身子不要挺起来,否则你的头就会猛碰到桥上了!
- Groups of ants were pulling pieces of corn. 一群群的蚂蚁在搬运玉米粒。
- The toning down of the charges is a big concession. 罪名改得温和,可以说是一个巨大的退让。
- The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground. 母鸡啄食地上的谷粒。