- land consumption behavior 土地消费行为
- Holbrook: use consumer research to understand consumption behavior without any intent of influencing it. 研究消费者由评估、获得、使用、到用尽某产品/服务的个人决策与实际行动过程 。
- According to the consumption behavior characteristic of university student's community, put forward the homologous market marketing counterplan. 根据大学生群体的消费行为特征,提出了相应的市场营销对策。
- It educes the consumption behavior characters of different stages from the analysises based on consumption idea and consumption behavior. 通过对家庭生命周期各个阶段基于消费观念特征和消费状况特征两方面的分析,得出了不同阶段的消费行为特点。
- In this paper, we attempt to measure Taiwanese male's risk perception and develop a risk endogenous model to identify factors which may explain chewer's consumption behavior. 本文衡量消费者对槟害风险之认知程度,且建立一种考虑及槟害风险之消费决策模式,并以民国86年于大台北、台中、嘉义及高屏地区进行之亲访调查资料,进行实证。
- This paper investigates the nonlinearity of consumption behavior and its implication on the life cycle hypothesis/permanent income hypothesis (hereafter LCH/PIH). 摘要本文研究台湾非耐久财消费是否具有非线性,及其对生命循环/恒常所得假说检定的影响。
- Lopsided cultural consumption can be shown as two forms: distortion of mental consumption and deregulation of consumption behavior, both of which may affect crime directly and indirectly. 畸型文化消费表现为消费心理扭曲、消费行为反常,其对犯罪的影响有直接作用和间接作用两种模式。
- Consumption behavior with the feature of restraining consuming desire is a powerful force to limit extravagant style, but it cannot become the universally accepted thought and behavior. 以抑制消费欲望为特征的节约是抑制奢靡挥霍风气的重要力量,但不能成为普遍的价值观念和行为方式。
- First, we carry on the experiments to probe into the energy consumption behavior of TPADS, and the ability consumption of TPADS is verified according to the stable hysteresis loop. 本文针对一种三角形加劲阻尼装置(TPADS),先进行实验探讨其消能行为,根据稳定的迟滞反应,证实TPADS具有消能效果。
- How the mix mood effects on the consumption behavior, how to influence between the mood and the consumption behavior mutually are the future developing ways of consumption mood research. 指出混合情绪对消费行为的影响、消费情绪与消费行为之间相互影响关系研究是消费情绪研究未来发展的方向。
- Various groups of citizens have different indefinite feeling,and their consumption behaviors vary too. 不同群体的城镇居民的不确定性感受存在区别,消费行为也各有特点。
- Consumptive economics has an abound content. And it is increasingly developing with people's consumptive behavior. 消费经济学的内容十分丰富,并随着人们消费实践的发展而发展。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- The professional differentiation in terms of consumptive behavior in rural tourism is a problem that deserves the special concern. 乡村旅游消费行为在不同职业群体中的分异状况,是一个值得特别关注的问题。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- Consumption behavior characteristics 消费行为特征