- Land conversion, according to a source from DAR, is the“ easiest way of circumventing the law on land reform. 根据dar的说法,土地移转是防止土地改革法律推动最容易的方式。
- Land conversion, according to a source from DAR, is the "easiest way of circumventing the law on land reform. 根据DAR的说法,土地移转是防止土地改革法律推动最轻易的方式。
- Such land conversion is particularly severe in the tropics, where most of the world's species live. 这些土地使用的转换在热带地区是最为严重的,世界上的大部分物种都生活在这个地方。
- Land conversion, according to a source from DAR, is the “easiest way of circumventing the law on land reform. 根据DAR的说法,土地移转是防止土地改革法律推动最容易的方式。
- The theory of agricultural land conversion is an important proposition advanced in the course of land expropriation. 摘要土地征用过程中的农地非农化理论是土地征用过程提出的重大命题。
- Land Conversion Projects The land conversion projects started in 1999,mainly to solve the soil erosion problems in the key areas. 退耕还林工程从1999年开始实施,主要解决重点地区的水土流失问题。
- Land Conversion Projects The land conversion projects started in 1999, mainly to solve the soil erosion problems in the key areas. 退耕还林工程 1999年开始实施,主要解决重点地区的水土流失问题。
- Bills which do not relate to agricultural land conversion, only to land acquisition, according to the relevant provisions strict vetting procedures. 凡不涉及办理农用地转用,只需依法征地的,仍按有关规定从严办理审批手续。
- Besides land conversion, the central government will, in 2000, arrange investment on comprehensive ecological harness projects in areas where soil erosion is severe and ecological environment is abominable. 除了退耕还林工程外,2000年中央还将安排投资用于水土流失严重和生态环境恶劣地区的生态综合治理工程。
- Besides land conversion,the central government will,in 2000,arrange investment on comprehensive ecological harness projects in areas where soil erosion is severe and ecological environment is abominable. 除了退耕还林工程外,2000年中央还将安排投资用于水土流失严重和生态环境恶劣地区的生态综合治理工程。
- In 2001,the cultivated land conversion for afforestation is 399000 hectares and the afforestation in the waste mountains and lands suitable for afforestation is 486000 hectares. 2001年完成退耕地还林39.;9万公顷,宜林荒山荒地造林48
- In 2001, the cultivated land conversion for afforestation is 399000 hectares and the afforestation in the waste mountains and lands suitable for afforestation is 486000 hectares. 2001年完成退耕地还林39.;9万公顷,宜林荒山荒地造林48
- The phenomena of rural-urban land conversion is the result of compete collocation between farming lands and city lands,so from certain point of view,its essential is how to allocate those limit farming lands to demand of infinitum land demands. 农地城市流转现象是土地在农地和城市用地两种用途之间竞争配置的结果。 从某种角度看,农地资源向城市用地流转的实质,就是如何分配与使用那些可以有多种用途但为数有限的农地资源,来满足轻重缓急程度各不相同的无限的用地需要。
- process of land conversion from marsh into cropland 沼泽湿地农田化过程
- cultivated land conversion index 耕地非农化城市化指数
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。