- It was human irrational activities that induced land desertification. 对土地的不合理利用导致了土地沙漠化。
- Land desertification can develop so fast, the main reason is the devastation of forest vegetation by human. 土地沙漠化之所以迅速发展,主要原因是人类对植被的破坏。
- There must be intrinsic mechanism of land desertification behind these activities. 在这些破坏行为背后,存在着更深层次、更具决定性作用的荒漠化内在机制。
- Karst rocky desertification is a unique kind of land desertification which happens in humid climate area in China. 喀斯特石漠化代表了世界上一个比较独特的荒漠类型,即湿润区石质荒漠化。
- China is one of the countries seriously suffered from land desertification in the world. 作者单位:中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所沙漠与沙漠化重点实验室;
- It accelerates land desertification,but also is the form of land desertification developed to a certain degree. 它的发生既是一种加速土地荒漠化的重要过程,又是土地荒漠化发展到一定程度的具体表现。
- The eco-environment in the study area is very vulnerable to the land use change, resulting in land desertification and loss of water and soil. 15年里景观破碎化程度加剧,分维数和多样性指数增加,优势度降低,景观异质性增强。
- In this paper,the author studied the reasons affecting land desertification and tries to extract the determinant ones by principal component analysis. 采用多元分析法(主分量分析法)对内蒙古东部地区土地沙化各因子之间关系进行综合探讨,找出主导因子。
- Land desertification control should be one of the most important works of the government and windbreaks should be constructed in west of Heilongjiang. 为防治土地沙化,要把这项工作纳入政府重要议事日程,尊重自然规律,科学治沙,建设西部地区防风林带,有效的保护生态环境。
- According to statistical data of recent years, the causes of land desertification in Inner Mongolia are analyzed, and measures of... 本文根据近年来的统计资料,对内蒙古地区土地沙漠化的成因进行了分析,并提出防治措施。
- The issue on land desertification and the rational uses of water resource is still a hot problem in the Heihe catchment. 摘要:黑河流域土地沙漠化及水资源合理利用一直是该流域研究的焦点问题。
- Ecological environment should be harnessed through controlling land desertification and utilizating woodland as permanent nature defence. 生态环境综合治理是通过防止土地沙漠化,因地制宜集中连片发挥林、草永久性屏障作用。
- Soil salinization is one of the main types of land desertification, which occurred widely around saline lakes in arid and semi-arid regions. 干旱、半干旱地区湖泊周围是盐渍化土壤的主要分布区,盐渍化是荒漠化的主要类型之一。
- Land desertification controlling proves to be a long-term arduous project,which results from the diversity in its types,its extensive distribution and its complicated reasons. 土地荒漠化类型的多样性、分布的广泛性、起因的复杂性表明防治荒漠化是一项长期的、艰巨的系统工程。
- The typical land desertification in west Jilin Province was taken as the research object, including Baicheng, Taonan, Zhenlai, Daan, Qianguo, Qianan, Tongyu and Changling. 摘要以土地沙化比较典型的吉林西部作为研究对象,包括白城、洮南、镇赉、大安、前郭、乾安、通榆和长岭8个县(市)。
- This paper analyzes the land desertification mechanism in Songyuan City in the eastern agro-pasture ecotone, it is considered that the natural environmental... 发展农牧交错带沙区高效生态型农业;充分利用沙区资源兴办沙产业是沙区人民摆脱贫困,实现可持续发展的关键。
- The land desertification of Inner Mongolia is largely distributed and greatly worsened in China, especially in semi-drought grassland and overlapping area of farming and grazing. 内蒙古自治区是我国沙漠化土地分布面积最广、程度最严重的地区。
- According to statistical data of recent years, the causes of land desertification in Inner Mongolia are analyzed, and measures of prevention and control are put forward. 本文根据近年来的统计资料,对内蒙古地区土地沙漠化的成因进行了分析,并提出防治措施。
- This paper briefly reviewed the nature of land and land desertification and noted that human's special requirements on land resulted in the exploitation on land. 简要回顾了土地与土地沙漠化过程中,指出了人类对土地的特殊需求,引起了对土地的开发利用;
- Over-grazing and exceeding deforestation interrupt the water cycle, the climate becomes drier, and crumbling sand appears on the land. Land desertification is the enemy of human culture. 人类对森林资源的乱砍滥伐,对草原的过度放牧,打乱了水分的循环,气候出现干旱,土地出现松散的流沙沉积。