- land for tourist activities 旅游用地
- The B2 visa is intended for tourist activities, such as sightseeing, visiting friends and relatives, obtaining medical treatment, etc. B2签证颁发给赴美旅游的申请人,包括观光、探亲访友及医疗治病等。
- He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。
- The sailors couldn't see land for many days. 水手们好几天看不到陆地。
- Beiling Tourist & Holiday Resort is a promising land for investment. 北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- The authorities often requisition land for highways. 当局常因筑路之需而征用土地。
- Spare a plot of land for vegetables. 留出一小块地种菜吧。
- Also on the terminal was a pier for tourist coming from the sea. 跑道末端更有邮轮码头,方便游客。
- We are busy preparing the land for sowing. 我们忙于平整土地,准备播种。
- Here is the best accomodation for tourist who travel to Sipdan. 游客要到西巴丹岛旅游,这里是最好的住宿。
- Zheng He was out of sight of land for one month. 郑和有一个月没看到陆地。
- It is a lease of land for a substantial period. 它是一种长期土地租凭合同。
- Model : A : Talk to the tourist actively. 答:A、主动与旅游者沟通;
- He bought the land for development. 他买了这块地准备开发。
- The Church sold off the land for housing. 教会卖掉了那块地皮,用来盖房子了。
- Use the service of specialists for tourist offers in and around Basel. 使用专家服务以提供巴塞尔及其周边地区的旅游报价。
- They purchased the land for $1 million. 他们以100万元买下了这块土地。
- Tourist culturology is a science that studies the cultural phenomena and the internal rules of tourist activities. 旅游文化学是研究旅游活动中的文化现象及其内在规律的科学。
- The costs of land for building are astronomical. 买地建房的花费很庞大。