- Gas field exploitation will destroy strata,cause land surface subsidence and even induce earthquake disaster. 气田开采会对地层造成破坏,引起地面下沉甚至诱发地震灾害;
- land surface subsidence 地表沉陷区
- A nearly flat land surface representing an advanced stage of erosion. 准平原一种因晚期侵蚀作用而形成的近似平坦的地面
- The land surface is inundated by a transgressive sea. 陆地的表面为侵进的海水淹没。
- One obvious impact is the radical atteration of the land surface. 一种显而易见的影响是大地表面剧烈的改变。
- Withdrawal of petroleum, water, sulphur, salt, or other substances can result in surface subsidence. 石油、水、硫磺、盐或其它物质的开采可以引起地表下降。
- The natural features of a land surface unaltered by human beings. 未受人类改变的自然地貌
- Surface subsidence was most serious in certain areas where large quantities of underground water were pumped out . 在地下水大量抽出的地区,地面下沉非常严重。
- Development of a Land Surface Model. Part II: Data Assimilation. 陆地表面模式的发展,第二部分:数据同化。
- One obvious impact is the radical alteration of the land surface. 一种显而易见的影响是大地表面剧烈的改变。
- The main kinds of hazards of road in Beijing mountain area are landslip, collapse, debris flow, karst and surface subsidence. 北京山区公路所遭受的地质灾害主要有滑坡、滑(崩)塌、泥石流、岩溶、采空地面塌陷等。
- Surface subsidence was most serious in certain areas where large quantities of underground water were pumped out. 在地下水大量抽出的地区,地面下沉非常严重。
- Marble karst development in Da-hong-shan mine caused a great deal of water bursting in mine shaft, sharply lowering ground water and large scale of surface subsidence. 摘要大红山矿大理岩岩溶发育,由于突水造成井下大量涌水,同时引起地下水位急剧下降,引发了较大范围、较大规模的地面塌陷。
- They do not preempt the land surface that is useful for other purposes. 它们不预先占用对其它目的有用的地面。
- The strata movement and the ground surface subsidence caused by underground mining are serious underground engineering problems. 地下开采引起的岩层移动和地表沉陷是一个非常严重的地下工程问题。
- The laws of ground surface subsidence and rockmass movement in east area of Chenchao iron mine due to underground mining are studied. 东区现有地表下沉属于不连续下沉,岩层破坏主要是缓慢型破坏。
- The Rhne-Aggregation Land Surface Scheme Intercomparison Project: An Overview. 集成陆地表面方案向胡比较:综述。
- The model of layer onit is established with thin plate deflection theory. Besides, surface subsidence is forecast and verified with examples. 用板弯曲理论建立层单元模型;在此基础上预测地表下沉;并用实例验证.
- The Role of the Land Surface Background State in Climate Predictability. 气候科预报性中陆地表面背景状态的作用。
- The surface subsidence above coalmine gob area is a typical and serious geological environment problem in Yongcheng mining area. 煤矿采空区地面沉陷是永城矿区典型、突出的矿山地质环境问题。